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Atleast, that was what Tathar could hear of. Bustlings of roads, thousands of footsteps, and hushed whispers exchanged as he was shoved forward. The blindfold was back on his eyes.

They undid the bounds on his legs, so he could walk, yet a large dagger pressed to his back was more than enough warning.

They seemed to walk pass a courtyard. There were many words spoken, yet none Tathar could decipher. He heard a slight whistle in the air, narrowly dodging what he pressumed a flying rock. It hit the man behind him instead, whom fell with a loud cuss, which nearly made Tathar laugh with mirth.

They walked for a quite while. The sun was burning hot against his skin, and his throat felt dry. His feet thumped lightly against the sand underneath. He was in Rhûn, definitely, as the words spoken were foreign, and it was a desert where he was by now.

Had they been captured for that long?

They were approaching a building. A large building it seemed, very crowded. Tathar felt sudden cold air as they entered said building, made from cold stones.

His blind was taken off before he was shoved inside a room. Or rather, a cell. Tathar fell on the cold stone as the cell's door closed. The metal hinges creaked loudly as it was slammed close and locked.

Tathar squinted his eyes to the sudden darkness. The cell was quite large, completely empty and made out of entirely stone. The cell was parted into three 'rooms', sepparated by sets of metal cages. There were two doors, on each opposite sides, at every parts of the cell. The one where Tathar came from looked like a block of metal, spare the tiny cages that became the only source of light. The other door however, was different.

Tathar shuffled to stood up. He leaned his head as far as he can, towards the cages of the upper part of the door. It looked like a trap door, towards a field of sand with walls looming over it.

He was interrupted as the cell door opened and came in Lalaith with Haulë. Each at the different parts of the room. Their men yelled before closing the metal door loudly. A resounding 'ka-chunk' followed.

Lalaith yelled as he slammed his shoulder at the door. Tathar flinched slightly whence a loud bang was heard. That ought to hurt.

Yet, Lalaith did not stop. He kept slamming to the door, yelling, kicking, cursing in both silvan and sindarin tongue. He yelled for his brother, Mailithin, cursing all those men to the depths of fire and doom.

"Lalaith, daro." Tathar said. Though it was not heard by the younger elf.

"Daro, Lalaith!" Tathar repeated, louder.

Lalaith stopped. He was breathing rapidly, his eyes wide, as he slid down to the ground. Eyes shut.

They were silent for a while. Haulë was busy humming, rapting his fingers slowly to the wall. Tathar caught his gaze, Haulë's pale eyes glazed and staring straight beyond him.

It was a wonder truly, why on earth none of those men realized blindfolding Haulë would not be necessary, as he'd lost his sights ages ago.

"Mi van gwe [Where are we]?" Haulë asked, softly.

"Rhûn." Tathar said.

Haulë's hands wandered over to the doors.

"I heard loud noises."
It was no shock that Haulë had better sense of hearings, as he depended of them the most, developing much sensitive ears than any elves.

"Of what?" Lalaith asked, almost quietly.

Haulë hummed,
"Men, I think. Loud cheers. I suspected it was a celebration, a very large one at that." As he uttered those words, loud round of cheers were heard, followed by a bloodcurling scream before another round came.

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