Party By Myself-- not.

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I couldn't help but update the first chapter of this book. I'm slightly having writers-block on Linkin undead, so why not?

Hours earlier


"Happy early birthday to you!" All of my friends sang the last part of the "happy birthday" song, then applauded. The club was filling up quickly. The large stage up front was lit up with several lights, showing the dove and grenade banners in the back.

Keep it together Trista..

In only a couple days it would be my birthday. It made me love my friends even more when I found out that they got us into a club with Hollywood Undead playing. Also, HU was going to perform some of their songs from their new album, Day of the Dead. It was a pretty sweet track. I fell in love with all the songs as soon as I heard them.

We were actually in front, so I could easily touch the floor of the stage. Maybe I could even touch one of the band members. What if one of them possibly pulled me on stage? It could happen.

I'm fan-girling so hard right now.

Charlie Scene jumped on stage, hyping up the whole audience. His new bandana was tightly wrapped around his face, with his Vans® SnapBack on. He wore his Dove sunglasses and a "Oh Shit Nice" tee. A chill of excitement ran down my spine instantly as all the others ran on stage.

Even though it was hard to see his eyes behind the sunglasses, I saw him stare in my direction. Warmth burst in my cheeks like it had never done before. I was blushing wildly, and I bet Skylar knew about it.

"Trista, you're blushing." Skylar, my idiotic friend obviously told me.

"No duh, dip-shit," I say, rolling my eyes, "what did you think it was? Tomato getting splattered on my cheeks?"

It made no sense, but at least she got it. My best friend sighed, and went back to giving Hollywood Undead their attention.

I guess you could say that I had a hopeless crush on Charlie. I don't even know why, all he did was rap about partying and f*cking girls with fake tits. He probably had a one night stand every night of his life. Then again he did rap and sing in other emotional songs, and the interviews he was in were freaking great.

"How's everyone all doing tonight?!" Charlie shouted into the microphone quickly, causing the whole crowd to freak, "This song is called 'I'll Be There'!"

I'll Be There was probably my favorite song from the album. Charlie's voice filled the speakers and stereos as he sing. I about melted.

I started to sing a long, and the song continued. Johnny was up. It was very interesting hearing him sing, but he still had an amazing voice.

My friends had told me over a bazillion times that George and I looked a like. I don't know what it was, but it was true. We shared almost the same characteristics.

When the last song came, other people in the audience left. I don't know why, I mean, we were in a freaking club with Hollywood Undead. We could dance to their songs, even if we didn't even know how to dance.

Let me just tell you that Charlie Scene's voice is so sexy in Party By Myself. I don't know what it was, but it just made me shake with excitement and feel fuzzy on the inside.

After the show, they all waved and went off stage. They didn't even take their masks off once. Everyone scattered either out the door or to the bar. Others stayed in the dance floor and danced to the music the DJ was playing. My red-headed friend, Jillian was no where to be found. Skylar was at the bar table, and Samantha had to leave. I sighed, pushing my way through the sticky and sweaty bodies to find Jill. It sucked being short, because I couldn't even find my way out of the f*cking crowd.

I stared down at my black and red Nike shoes. Looking forward, I instantly buried my face into some dude. I have no idea who it was, I just ran into him.

He gently touched my arm, but pulled away after 2 seconds. It gave me a slight chill, and I looked up.

"Jesus Christ, you're f*cking beautiful." He said, his icy blue eyes looking into mine.

Holy f*cking sh*t.

My heart instantly pounded as I saw his round face. I probably looked like an idiot just staring at him in complete shock.

"Th-thank you." Is all I could possibly say. My legs felt like jelly.

It was Charlie Scene.

He was completely sober, surprisingly. You could definitely tell. He wasn't wobbling around or acting like an ass.

"I'm sorry I ran into you." I say, gulping a bit, trying my best not to fan-girl.

"So," he pulled me close, slowly dancing with me even though it was a fast song, "what's you're name?"

"Trista," I say, "Trista Duran."

"Gorgeous name." He instantly says, smiling handsomely down at me. "Now tell me about yourself."

His faint snores came from his side of the bed. My heart instantly jumped to my throat before I fell off the bed. The comforter came with me, slightly uncovering Jordon's body.

I slept with Charlie Scene.

I didn't want to be one of those girls that would be one of his one night stands. I panicked, and slightly made me pissed off because, well, that was my first time.

He groaned a bit, and turned over. I lay there on the floor, staring at the ceiling. I quickly popped up as soon as I heard him sit up. I pulled the last of the blankets off of him, making me shriek. I threw the blankets on him, then ran for the bathroom.

I quickly wrapped a red towel around me before I threw up in the toilet. I heard quick footsteps emerging, and felt his soft hands pull my hair out of my face.

I remember running to the beautiful guy, but I don't remember getting sh*t-faced and sleeping with Charlie Scene. Evidently he didn't remember either.

"I'm sorry.. I can't control myself when I'm drunk.. I didn't know it was going to go like this." Jordon soothed, rubbing circles in my back.

I finished, and I turned to him. He looked at me worriedly. He was only in his boxers, which was totally fine with me. He pulled me into a gentle hug.

I was waiting for him to just push me away and kick me out of his house, but nothing came.

"I should've just asked for your number and bought you only one drink, then left." Charlie says.

"It's okay. Wait, what?! You actually wanted to get to know me?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Of course. I don't ever joke around."

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