Someplace through the dark.

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I felt my cold feet come in contact with the cold ocean water. I felt myself shriek, but before I could finish water flooded into my mouth. Johnny had his massive arms around me, holding me tightly. The water was freezing cold, and I couldn't feel my feet even touch the ocean floor yet. I could feel my leg throbbing in pain, and it felt like it was bleeding. It was bleeding. My eyes wouldn't seem to open. It was as if they were sewed shut, but in the darkness from my eyelids I could see myself bleed. My heart pounded against my chest. It was like I could swim up.

My insides screamed so loud. I could feel Johnny near me, and I panicked. Where is he? Was he just watching me drown?

~Charlie Scene~

I dropped to my knees looking into the hole that was in the dock. My heart pounded. Where had they gone? I choked on air, and FunnyMan ran over to the hole. I'm surprised it didn't cave in with us near it.

"Tris!" I shouted, sticking my hand into the water, feeling around. Nothing.

I saw an arm shoot out of the water next to the deck, and soon there was a head that popped up. There was some wheezing and coughing. My heart lifted, but sank at the same time.

"Where is she?!" I screamed staring at Johnny as we swam to the deck.

"I couldn't find her. It was too dark!" Johnny goes underneath once again.

I quickly throw my shoes off and hat, and I dive into the hole. Darkness closes in around me, and I couldn't see anything. It was like I had my eyes closed. I swam around, until I felt something.

A wisp of long hair.

I reached out and felt a body. My throat became tight, and I couldn't hold it any longer. I wrapped an arm around her fit body, then swam away from the deck. The light slowly greeted us, and I popped my head out of the water.

Was she unconscious? Or was she dead? Thoughts swam in my mind, and there were so many that my head started to burn. I swam toward the beach, and I felt my feet touch the sandy bottom. With a huff, I ran to the shore. My clothes stuck to my skin, making it feel uncomfortable. Wet clothes were always the worst,

I gently lay Trista on the beach, and I fall over her, touching her cheek gently. FunnyMan ran down the dock and onto the beach, meeting up with us. Johnny slowly walked over, shivering from the cold. A chilly breeze howled by us, and I shivered. Water dropped from my clothes, and my hair, and I stared at Tris.

I press my head to her chest, searching for a beat. There is a faint one, and luckily she is just unconscious. I suck air in, and push it out quickly.

"Come on, Tris."

I push against her chest, until finally she coughs up some water. She quickly flops over onto her stomach, coughing up the rest of the salty water. I make a face, thinking about how it would taste and how it always made me want to throw up. My heart began to beat normally, and I let out a sigh.

Trista turned back onto her back, her eyes open and looking around. They showed fear, and she looked lost. I gently put my hand on her cheek, and I chuckle lightly.

"Oh baby.." I grab her and pull her up to me, getting her as close to my body as I could. I softly kissed her head, and she remained quiet.

George patted her back, his skin pail from what had happened. It was like o could hear him thinking, thanking that she was alive and not lost. FunnyMan slipped off his jacket, and handed it to me. I pulled it over Trista's shivering body, and hugged her to me afterward.

"It's alright.." I say, rocking her slowly.

"All I know is.. We fell through, and all I could see is darkness. I felt so alone.. No one was coming.." Trista held onto me as if she would never let me go.

"It's okay.. I got you.." I say, rocking her, "We all have you."

"Someplace, through the dark, we will meet and never part."

"Someplace through the dark.." I say softly, pressing my lips up to her cheek.

"Let's get some dry clothes on, yeah?" Dylan, helped Johnny up, his face staying solemn.

I stood up with Trista, and I looked down at myself and shivered, "Yeah. It's chilly out here in the rain."

Someplace through the dark. (Hollywood Undead FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now