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"You got 30 new messages." The voicemail box called from the home phone.

Jordon slumped on the couch comfortably as I checked the messages. They were all from my friend Nisa. All 30 of them. I groaned, and pressed to listen to them.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Why aren't you answering your phone?"

"This guy named Charlie or something like that answered your phone. Who is that?"

"Seriously, answer your damn phone."

Charlie and I made eye contact. He looked to comfortable to even move, and I rolled my eyes.

"What?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air.

"You answered my phone?" I snapped, raising a brow. He shrugged.

"She called more than a thousand times, what else was I supposed to do?" Charles argued, his hands still in the air.

He was hot. Sitting there innocently as he slumped badly. His eyes were almost icy blue, and they fit his round face perfectly. A smirk was on his face, which was adorable.

"Would you stop?" I demand, turning the messages off.

"What am I doing?!" He wined, chuckling a bit.

"Being--being Jordon!" I flap my hand toward him, and he crosses his arms.

I walked passed him and he pushed his foot out, tripping me. I stumbled forward, literally landing flat onto the ground. My hair flew everywhere, and I heard Jordon snort. He quickly got up, running over to me. Of course, he was laughing, and slowly lifted me.

"I'm sorry. I thought I wouldn't trip you." He giggled, lifting me up.

With his hand still supporting my back, and one on my hip, he fell into a trance. It was like he was almost seeing through me, but finally shifted his eyes to look into mine. Charlie bit his lip softly before pulling his hand from my back and touching my cheek very lightly.

"Charles," I softly say, as he pulls me closer, "Charlie. You need to snap out of it."

Jordon's lips lightly brushed against mine, almost making me just give in. He closed his eyes, softly dragging them up to my upper lip. Slowly, he pushed me up against the wall, pressing his body against mine.

"Jordon.." I whisper, and finally, his eyes open dreamily.

He pulls away slightly, then answers, "What?"

"Snap out of it." I demand nicely. He sighs, and takes a step back.

Then there was a sudden applaud. I jumped, finding Nisa standing in the doorway clapping her hands. She soon approached us, then examined Charlie.

"Charlie-f*cking-Scene?" Nisa's dark eyes widened, and gasped for air. Finally, she caught her breath after the excitement, "Holy sh*t."

"It's called knocking." I say, tapping my knuckles on the wall.

"Knocking's for losers." She says, sitting on the couch.

I stare at her. Her dark chocolate hair fell on her shoulders, and were a bit curled at the ends. Nisa wore a black V-Neck shirt, with some blue ripped jeans. Jordon pulled away, and the blush was pretty obvious.

"Well, you're a loser no matter what." I joke, slipping away from Jordon.

"Can we get that phone now?"

He peaked over my shoulder. I almost jumped, and was inches away from breaking his nose. He flinched severely, almost like he was about to have a seizure. I giggled. People peered over at us.

"Another iPhone? IPhone 6, iPhone-- do they have an iPhone 7?" Charlie pulled away, walking forward. Then he stopped dead in his tracks, picking a large phone up, "I found the iPhone 7! Oh, wait no.. That's the iPhone 6s. Oops."

"So, how long have you known him?" Nisa looked over at me, question wrote on her face.

"Like, 2 days."

She should've known this. If I knew him for a month I would definitely introduce him to her. If I knew him more than 5 days I'd tell her. I didn't know he was going to end up following me around though.

Charlie walked back over, "Made up your mind yet?"

I pointed to the iPhone 6, and he nodded, then went over to get help. Honestly, I felt bad for him buying a new phone for me, but also he did break my phone, so he deserves it. I was still debating if I should take some cash out of my pocket and give it to him.

After spacing off for a couple of minutes, a small box with a picture of an iPhone was shoved into my face. Jordon giggled as I looked up at him.

"You look cute when you stare off into space."

"Um," I dug loose Change out of my pocket, which was a lot, "than-"

"No! This is my gift to you, damn it." He slapped the money out of my hand, making it hit the floor. I looked up at him in total defeat.

Nisa stood near laughing, and Charlie started to pick the dollar bills and change up. He looked as if he defeated himself, but when he finished picking it up we burst into laughter.

"What the hell was that?" I giggle.

Someplace through the dark. (Hollywood Undead FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now