I'll be there.

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I sat on his warm bed, the room dark, with only the light of the sun illuminating it. It was hard to find the words for what was going on, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to even tell him. Jordon wouldn't even be ready to hear the news. Scenarios played through in my head, making my heart thump lightly against my chest.

It was quiet, and I could make out my breathing. Birds sang a sweet song outside the window, and I could see them hopping around in the tree in front of the window.

I wish that everything was easy. There is a challenge to everything in life.

I could've easily sat there by myself in the empty room for ever. Thinking. Being desolate. It just felt right for once.

My toes touched the carpet as I dangled my legs off the bed. It was slightly tall, but luckily it was easy to get off and into. The comforter was soft and new, and the sheets underneath were fleece.

Even though I didn't want to, my mind finally built up the potential to tell him. I stared down at the floor, then finally called his name.


There was a brief silence, then a little rustle that came from the living room. I never really called him his actual name, since he loved being called "Charlie Scene". Maybe it was also because of the past experiences with him, when we weren't that official. His footsteps were heard effortlessly as he came down the hall to the room. I peered over at the door, and saw it open very leisurely. Charlie's head poked in, and then he made his way into the room. He wore a dark grey shirt with his dove shades dangling from the collar. He wore some dark warn down blue jeans, and some vans.

"You've been in here alone for awhile.." Jordon says, slipping an arm around my waist as he took a seat next to me. His icy blue eyes studied my face, and with that he rose an eyebrow confusedly. I nodded, continuing to stay quiet.

Charles was right. I had been in the room by myself all morning after my shower. My head slightly hurt, just because of the lack of sleep I had got from last night. I felt nauseous and had thrown up almost all night. Jordon was right by my side the whole time, making me wonder if he was feeling the pain as much as I was. Every trip to the toilet he would follow me, hold my hair and rub light circles in my back and soothe, "It's okay, babe." or, "It's gonna be alright, love." He had hardly gotten as much sleep as well, but with some coffee and a trip to a convenience store, Jordon was more alive than I.

Just one little thing slightly made my morning even more stressful.

"Yeah." I say, thinking about how many times I had told him to simply leave me alone this morning.

"Everything's okay now, right?" Charlie's hand rubbed my back, making me comfortable, giving me the need to fall asleep in his arms. We made eye contact, feeling a little worry rush over me as if a dam had broken over and let water through.

"Only if you say it's okay." I calmly say, and he looks at me with a soft, confused look.

"What are you talking about? Everything is okay, love--"


He stopped, and stared at me, and I looked at him with a very solemn face. Charlie gave me a small smile, and I sighed. I didn't really know how to word what I was about to tell him, but I had the courage to tell him.

"I'm pregnant, Jordon."

~Charlie Scene~

All I could do is stare at her pale face. Her cheeks were starting to get more color, and I knew that she was starting to feel better. It shown fear, which made me know exactly what she was afraid of.

She was afraid that I might leave her for what happened. Even though I didn't really know how to react, there was no way that I could possibly leave her side.

I opened my mouth, and I felt her whole body loosen, then shake. Tears spilled down her face suddenly, and she threw herself on me. I instantly embraced her, trying to calm her.

"Shh.. It's okay babe.." I coo, holding her tightly, making sure she knows I'm here, "we will work through this together, and I'm not going to ever leave you."

"I'm scared." She says, sobbing.

"For what?"

She spilled everything. Everything that could possibly happen to pregnant women. It made me scared, even. I had to tell her the good out of the bad, and tell her that everything was fine.

Because she will be fine.

Someplace through the dark. (Hollywood Undead FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now