The Fence Struggle.

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~Charlie Scene~

Trista scoffed once more, walking down the steps. George turned to watch her walk down the sidewalk. I ran passed him to stop her.

"Tris, please.." I beg, walking behind her.

She turned around, walking backwards as she faced me, "You don't know me."

"I want to get to know you.. You're beautiful."


I stopped dead in my tracks. Having your celebrity crush tell you that they want to get to know you is something that never happens. This had to be a dream, but nothing felt so real in my life. His touch was soft, so gentle and.. Caring. I never thought that Charlie Scene could be that way.

He got closer to me, to where he was slowly putting his hands on my waist. Jordon looked me in the eyes, so I decided to look back. George was still in the doorway of the house, watching us.

"Charles, you tried. Leave the girl alone." Johnny called. Jordon turned his head to face him, staring at him like a puppy.

His arms slowly went limp, slowly sliding away from my waist. He slightly twitched his nose and put his hand over his mouth, slowly walking back to his house. I watched for a couple more seconds and started to walk down the street.


I slept with Charlie Scene. Didn't even ask if he used protection. Hopefully he did, because then I'd have to take a test. I didn't have his number, so it's not like I could call him. After calling a taxi and finally getting to my house, I walked up the steps to the door, only to find that it was locked. Groaning, I reached into my pockets to find my keychain. Nothing. In the other pocket, nothing. Not even my phone was in my pocket. I left it at Charles house.

I could fix it. All I had to do is climb the fence and get into my backyard to get to the back door, which I never lock. Get into my house, call my cell on my home phone to tell Charlie (hopefully George) to bring my phone over.

Casually, I walked over to the side of the house to where the fence was. The tall light brown, wooden fence was actually taller than I thought. Well, I mean, everything is taller than me. There was no gate on with side of the fence, so this would be a challenge. I scanned the area just to check and see if anyone was watching, then took the chance of jumping up and getting ahold of the top. I shifted my hands, slightly swaying side to side to get a better grip. Finally, I started to hoist myself up.

"Tris? You uh, want your keys and phone?!" I heard a car pull by, and a familiar voice call out to me.

Startled, my whole body flipping over the other side of the fence. With a shriek and a gasp, my back hit the hard ground. It knocked the air out of me, so I sat in the green grass sucking in air uselessly. Well, wasn't that embarrassing.

The stiff fence shook, and soon Charlie's round face peeked over the top of the fence, "Holy sh*t! Are you okay?"

All I could do is nod even though I wanted to tell him just to leave me alone. He managed to climb over the fence gracefully, until his pant leg got stuck in a crack. He hung there for about a second before falling on top of me.

"I'm sorry!" He says, touching my cheek carefully, making me have a chill.

"Get off me.." I wheezed.

Jordon stood up, then lent me a hand. He slowly pulled me up, then took my phone and keys out of his pocket and gave them to me.

The screen of my damn iPhone was completely shattered. He must've fell on it. I sighed, almost ready to blow up on him.

"Oh sh*t.. Nice.."Jordon cringed as he saw the screen, putting a hand over his mouth, "I'll buy you a new phone."

"Question; how did you find me?"

"When you were drunk, I guess you left your phone number and address.."

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