Just kidding.

609 41 12

~Charlie Scene~

She swung the door open, almost ready to walk out the door. I tugged at my hair which was growing pretty long. As I ran down the stairs, I used my left hand to hike up my jeans just to catch her on time.

"Listen, Tris, I didn't me-"

"Tris?" She repeats, and I start to walk over to her.

"Trista," I correct myself, "I want to get to know you."

"Typical Charlie Scene." Trista scoffs, stepping out the door. I touch her shoulder lightly.

She seriously did not know me that well. She looked into my eyes, and I slowly pulled my hand away. Trista wasn't like the other girls that I slept with when I was drunk. More was she like the ones when I was sober. She seemed to deal with sh*t and try to get around it without harm.

"I don't always show my weenie!" I wine, staring into her eyes.

"Well, you showed me last night it seems."

I groaned. Damn, she acted a lot like someone I knew. Someone that was really close to me, someone who could put up with my weird-ass nonsense. I couldn't possibly put my finger on it just yet. It was too hard. The frustration got to me so I started to tap my foot quickly, "Why must you be this way?!"

Then she randomly, mannishly yelled, "AHHHHHHH," she mad me flinch, then just stared at me, "just kidding."

Let's just say it took me back a bit. Back in time about a couple years ago. Her face just looked so innocent when she shouted. Her "just kidding" at the end of it and her acting like it was no big deal.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Johnny yelled on the bus as we all sat around, making us flinch. He looked over at one of us, shrugged his shoulders, and said plainly, "Just kidding."

"You've been watching too many interviews, haven't you?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"No, I do that all the time!"

This sort of freaked me out. I knew who she acted like. The way her structure and her features were built. It made me stumble back a bit.

She was like Johnny 3 Tears.

"You said you don't joke around. You're Charlie f*cking Scene." No we were back on track. My whole body went loose and I felt like flailing around. She was so stubborn.

"Just-- trust me!" I say through my teeth, clenching my fists slightly as I begged.

"The f*ck is going on here?" George walked up the steps, towering over Trista after a bit. Blocking the sun out of my face. I groaned.

They looked like they were related. I stared at both of them for a minute, not even saying anything. George snapped his fingers in front of my face to get my attention.


"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Why the hell do I need a picture when I see you everyday?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

Johnny pointed at Trista, "Is this the girl you f*cked?"

I face-palmed, feeling myself blush which seemed like it's been forever since I've ever done it. Trista spun around and gasped, literally ready to slap her "twin". I pulled up my pants again, since they were slightly big and I didn't have a belt on.

"Is she your sis or something? You guys look like you could be twins."

"I don't even know this girl." Johnny rolled his eyes, barging into my house carelessly.

"You should get it checked out.."

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