Memories keep fading.

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Shout out to Mattchamblee ! Please go read their FanFic!!


Knocks came from my door. I groaned and went to the window to see who it was. Of course. It was Jordon. I padded to the front door, raking my fingers through my hair. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a large grin. George was behind him, examining the inside of my house. I moved out of their way, giving them an okay to enter. They both piled in.

When Johnny walked in, he gave me a long stare, looking me over as if he knew me and we haven't seen each other for a long time. I watched him as he did, which was almost a whole 5 minutes. While that was happening, Charlie was talking about how we were going out to lunch and meeting the band. On how it was going to be "fantastic" and "amazing". Charles acted like it was something magical. Well, truth is; it would be.

After the whole staring contest Johnny and I were in, he finally gave me a genuine smile, then followed Jordon into the kitchen. The guy acts like he owns the place. With a groan, I trailed into the kitchen where Charlie was examining the inside of the fridge while Johnny sat on the counter, swinging his legs into the cupboards, making a series of thuds fill the room. They act like a bunch of 5 year olds.

"What's going on?" I ask, throwing my hands in the air. They look at each other. Charles closes the refrigerator door.

"I do what I want." Jordon flips his sunglasses off his head, over his eyes. He crosses his arms, then smirks. I walk over to him and shove him.

And by shove, I mean hard.

He slowly leans back and stumbles. He grasps at my arms, pulling me with. As Jordon hits the floor, I keep my balance and stumble over him. George's loud booming laugh filled the whole house. It almost shook me, just on how noisy it was.

"Why'd you come over? How many times do I have to tell you--"

"Shht." Jordon says, putting a soft finger to my lips. I about shivered, and I stared at him.

"Don't make out please." Johnny pleaded, slightly in a winey tone.

I let out a nervous laugh as I pushed Charlie's finger away, "That won't happen. Don't you worry."

Jordon groaned, then slumped down a little bit, "But, why?"

"Have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately?" George chuckled, hoisting himself off the counter and walking into the living room. I actually followed him like a little puppy.

"Asshole." I heard Charlie mutter.

~Johnny 3 Tears~

I stared at my feet that were under the table. The Nisa girl was sitting across from Danny, admiring the sh*t out of him while he examined the menu. Charlie sat on the closest chair to Trista, while the other guys just sat around in random seats and conversed.

I wasn't listening to them one bit. A couple times I'd catch a word or two but other than that, I payed no attention. There was more things on my mind than what ever they were possibly talking about.

Too much..

I sat in the small cushioned chair, my feet dangling as I swung my feet. It was just after Christmas, therefor I had a new shirt on and a small book to read that was good for my reading level. That wasn't all the presents I got. I got something even more special. Something that would leave my life at any moment.


It made no sense on why my mom wanted to give away something that she had created. Someone that was inside of her stomach for 9 months that popped out of her belly button. In that one single moment, I was a big brother for once. Yeah, I had a big brother and sister, but that wasn't anything compared to being a big brother.

I'm surprised that I even forgot that moment, but it wasn't my fault I was 6 years old when my mother gave birth to a baby girl.

My dad hurriedly stepped into the room my mom was in. The nurses and Dad said that I wasn't allowed in the room while my sister was popping out of my mom's belly button. If I was, that would distract my mama and my sister. So, here I was, waiting in the hallway next to the room 205, reading a book called, "Where the Wild Things Are". It would've been a nice minute to catch a ride on Max's little sail boat and be the king of all things, have no care or worry in the world but to just be a ruler.

"Hey buddy, do you want to see her now?" My dad tapped my knee, which made me jump off the chair and trot into the room my mom lay in.

She held a small bundle in her arms, and my mom slightly smiled down at it with joy and sadness. Once I reached her, I found out what it was. A small, precious blond wispy-haired baby girl.

My sister.

Yet, it was too hard to even believe it was my sister. I would only get to see her on this day, and possibly never again. I didn't know if I should cry or smile.

I started to cry.

"George? George?" Jorel waved a hand in my face, while FunnyMan shook me a bit. I blinked before looking up at them. Everyone watched me from the table, and I cleared my throat.

"You've been out of it for more than 5 minutes." Jordon says, taking a swig up his beer. I decided to turn my SnapBack around, the front facing what was behind me.

"What was that all about?" Matthew asked.

I didn't answer. I just decided to glance at all of them, and give Trista the longest look out of all of them.

But then, there was that possibility of me meeting my sister again without even noticing..

I scooted my chair away from the table, causing it to make a loud and irritating noise across the tile floor. I rose, then quickly made my way to the bathroom.

After closing the door, locking it, I stared at myself in the mirror. My heart about jumped out of my chest.

I finally had a chance to be a big brother.

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