Cocaine sickness

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Hey guys. Just wanted to tell you that I will be ending this story soon. There will be another one coming out, but I don't know in How long. It will depend.

The new story I am coming out with is an Until Dawn FanFic. Go read it if you've played/watched it!

4 months later
~Johnny 3 Tears~

I walked down the shadiest street in LA. It was narrow, and it felt as if I were walking on the street instead of the warn down sidewalk. Every alley I passed, every man hole I saw had some sort of graffiti scrawled on it, as if it was supposed to be there.

The hood that was over my head hid my face well. Passing by windows, seeing the reflection that flicked back at me, it made me unrecognized.

There was just this craze for it; this sickness. I haven't felt so alive without it. Then there was this part of me that would try to drag me back and away from it, so I would avoid it. Mostly because of Ava. And mostly because of Trista.

Maybe even because of Hailee.

She was just a friend, yes, but there was always that chance of maybe being more than that. I just felt it. The way we locked eyes with each other for the first time. The way we both clumsily reached for my phone as it lay there busted up on the concrete. The small brush of her skin against mine made my arm hair want to stand on end instantly.

I turned into the dark alley that was the most cleanest out of the others, and I examined the bare walls of the buildings, the green dumpsters and the weeds that grew in the cracks of the pavement. Peering up, there was a man dressed in nothing but black.

That had to be him.

A grin wiggled itself on my face as I approached him. He was much smaller than I, which made him less intimidating. He was at least Danny's height to be exact, his hood over his head and his hands crammed into his pockets. His head slowly turned toward me, revealing black sunglasses that concealed his face. There was a smile, and he drew his hand out of the pockets of his hoodie.

Our hands met, and they firmly shook. Afterward. I dug around in my pockets for awhile until I pulled out a wad of cash. I placed it in the palm of his hands, and walked off instantly.

"See you soon!" He exclaimed, then walked in the opposite direction.


Hailee was able to watch Ava while I went out to "shop". She was actually doing some karaoke with the new karaoke machine I had bought Ava for her birthday. She loved singing, so I decided to get her something. Everyday when she would get home from school, she would quickly do her homework, then run into her room and sing her heart out.

They were singing some Evanescence, a great throw back album. It was Bring me to life, and they totally rocked the duet.

I walked to my room as they finished the song, quickly hiding the bag under my bed. I stood up normally afterward, then turned around only to come face to face with Hailee.


"What was that?" She peered around me, and I turned to scan the room as if nothing happened.

"What's what?"

"What you just hid, excuse me," she went toward the bed, and went on her hands and knees, "what else would it be? Don't act like anything didn't happen."

I gulped air. She couldn't possibly find the back. I had a place for it, and it was the hardest thing to even find in the household. Ever since it was new it was hard to find. She continued to search. And she found it.


~Charlie Scene~

There were books stacked upon each other on her nightstand, which were pregnancy books. She had read 2 of them in the past week, which was surprising. Trista wasn't even really a reader, but boy, when it came to this "pregnancy" thing she read what she could.

Sometimes I couldn't even understand her. Trista would be joyful about something, but then cry over it after a second. She could be making out with me for a minute and for the next she would be pissed at me. All she wanted to do was eat, then she would talk about how most of the things I've cooked for her that she wanted was bad for the baby. She would get turned on, and basically when I was stripped down to my underwear she would randomly walk off and act like nothing happened. Ever since she moved in she started acting this way.

But then once again, she was pregnant.

With our child.

It was hard to believe that I was going to be a father. Will it be a boy, or will it be a girl? What would their name be? Rupert? Or would they be named after one of us? What if they were twins? What if the kid acted like me?

Charles P. Scene Jr.

Trista walked into the room as I pulled the comforter up on her side of the bed. I gave he a soft smile, then went to embrace her. Her stomach was finally showing, and she still looked amazing. I put my hand over it gently, then smiled at her.

"You got that bump, finally." I peck her on the cheek, smiling.

"Speaking of-- we have an appointment tomorrow." Trista grinned, kissing me gently on the lips.

It was weird. I haven't loved her as s

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