Jordon and Randi.

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Nine months later


It felt like I was drowning.

All over again, sinking into darkness. The thing was, I wasn't alone in this process. Instead of being alone, I held his hand, gripping it tightly.. As if he was pulling me out of the darkness, pulling me out of the water so I can breath.

And whom was it that owned this hand?

It was owned by the one in the bandana and shades, who was the band's lead guitarist. He was in the band Hollywood Undead, and was the one to talks about his 'weenie'. This man, who was always rapping about sex, and getting drunk, turned out to be the sweetest man I've ever met. The man who had the names Jack and Jane tatted on his knuckles, because they were his parents. Yes, it was Charlie Scene.

My stomach felt like it was turning and I felt as if I was going to throw up. Black dots invaded my vision, making me feel dizzy and woozy. There was so much going on. The heart monitor was beeping loudly, doctors and nurses talked. Jordon stroked my head and was about to loose it. Nurses told me what to do, and I did so.

I had been in labor for about 12 hours. It was ridiculous that the doctors decided to wait instead of giving me a C-Section, because the pain and contractions I had to go through in that time were excruciating. I was in and out of consciousness, but there was no way I was going to take anything for it.

The pain came to a halt. I heard a cry, and a nurse ran off with a little bundle soon after. Then, it came again.

This time, it was worse than everything. For once, I cried out in pain, pushing as hard as I can. This little one, was a fighter. It definitely had their father's genes.

One more hard push, and the pain went away. A cry came, and I fell back into the soft feather pillows. I panted, out of breath and exhausted. A nurse walks over to Charlie, giving him a small bundle.

"It's a boy!" The nurse whispered enthusiastically.

She walks out of the room, and the doctor is there to clean everything up. After she is done, she smiles, then walks out.

The nurse comes back in, holding another baby. She hands it to me gently, smiling widely, "It's a girl."

She walks out, leaving only Charlie and I in the room. I lay there, cradling one of mine in my arms. I look at her precious face, and it hits me.

I'm a mother.

She was gorgeous. I couldn't help but giggle slightly, and touch her cheek gently and lovingly.

I peer over at Charlie, who is staring at the bundle in his hands, smiling. He had to be thinking the same thing, about how precious and amazing they were, even though we didn't want them. After seconds, that changed. We were parents, and we loved them with all our hearts.

"Jordon Charles Terrell." Jordon smiled, and walked over to the bed.

He showed the precious bundle to me, and I smiled and giggled. He looked just like his father, with a round face and chubby cheeks.

And that's when Charlie Scene started to cry.

I touched his stubbled cheek, trying to calm him down, "Oh, baby.."

I scooted over so that Charles could sit next to me, and he tried his best to wipe the tears away, but the tears kept running down his cheeks.

"Babe.. Baby.." I wiped the tears away, and touched his cheek. His blue eyes looked over, and they weren't filled with sadness, but with joy.

"I'm just happy." Jordon smiled, kissing his new born son on the head gently. He then reached over, kissing our baby girl on the head.

"Randi Jane Terrell."


6 months later..

~Charlie Scene~

Trista dived into the bed, grabbing ahold of Jordon's leg. He giggled, and I ran over to Randi, who was on the edge of the bed.

"This is harder than I thought!" I say, snatching up Randi. I go to the diaper table to get a cute designed diaper for her, which had blue and pink butterflies all over them. Johnny had helped pick them out, since Trista was home watching the twins. I lay my daughter on the changing table, who wiggled around like a worm.  I took her leg, and after I removed the heavy diaper she twisted around. I let go after she started to cry.

"Well, what are you doing? I don't understand!" Rolling Randi onto her back.

Glancing over at Trista, Jordon, of course, is wiggling around as well. Trista groaned, and got a fresh diaper on his butt. She then looked over at me, who was struggling. After grabbing Jordon, she walked over to assist me.

After getting her changed, I held her in my arms. Randi grabbed my stubbled chin, and I smiled down at her. Trista giggled, and I looked at Jordon. It was crazy on how much he looked like me. His face was round, and his eyes were an icy blue. Gazing up at Trista's beautiful face, I leaned in to give her a sweet kiss. Jordon cooed, and made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. We sat the twins on the bed, and we sat on the edge, watching them crawl around the bed, being adventurous.

"I love them so much."

Trista nodded, "They are amazing.. Even though they crawl all over the place, and poop their pants. They are the best thing that happened to me."

That's when I stood up in front of her, and took a knee. I pulled the soft velvet box out of my jean pocket, and flipped it open, showing off the diamond ring.

She gasped, putting her hands over her mouth. Trista tackled me in a hug, then gave me a quick kiss.


Well, there's that last chapter for you! I have no idea when the sequel will come out, but anyways.. I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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