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"You look just like him.." I say after Trista told me how she had been adopted, and never knew her real parents or siblings. It wasn't that tragic, and she didn't seem so either.

"That's why we used to call her Johnny," Nisa, a very nice girl with a loud mouth spoke, "then we found out that she was actually related to him."

Trista messed with her pant leg, which seemed to be bugging her. She winced every once and awhile, then leg out a soft sigh when she finished tapering with it. She took a drink of her beer, then sat the bottle on the bar table.

I felt like I couldn't get close to the six guys. It was hard, and when they spoke to me nothing would come out of my mouth. They were such sweet human beings. It was sad that I couldn't talk to them. Especially George. He was so handsome, and his tight, fit, tatted body made me smile and blush every time I thought about it. Maybe just talking to the girls for now was the best choice.

Charlie walked over to Trista, a beer in his hand. He didn't seem drunk, and his eyes weren't red or bloodshot, indicating that he was not high. He smiled down at her, then sat the beer down next to hers.

I stared at them as they conversed, standing still. Nisa nudged me and smiled, whispering, "Pretty crazy, eh?"

I nod. Was this all a dream? It was crazy that I had bumped into Johnny on the streets, cracking his phone and making eye contact with him. It wasn't just eye contact either. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. It was something I felt. It's like I felt..


I blinked before looking down at my feet. I wore my black DC shoes, that were comfy as hell. I wore them practically everywhere I went. Peering up I saw Jordon plant a elegant kiss on Trista's lips, then walk back to where he would converse with FunnyMan. George would glance over at me multiple times, I didn't really need to look I just felt it. It was heavy, causing butterflies to flutter up and down in my stomach. I took the beer that was still full off the bar, and took a swig. I could still feel his heavy gaze. I choked. And coughed.

Trista looked at me confusedly, and gently patted my back. She laughed, "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." I took in a shaky breath, then coughed one last time.

"Everything alright?" His smooth manly voice came from behind me, and after Trista removed her hand there was a large one placed where it had been.

"I'm okay." I say hoarsely, faking a smile up at him.

Trista grinned, then winked at her brother. Nisa and her slid off their seats and went to join the guys, leaving George and I alone. Nisa started to talk with Danny, and Trista smiled at Charlie. Charles rubbed her back, then pulled her close to him.

There was silence between us both, but after a moment Johnny cleared his throat, "How are you?"

"I'm good." I say, a little quietly. His blue eyes found mine, and there it was.

The spark.

My breath was slightly shaky as I examined him. He gave me a smile, a real, genuine smile. It made me smile.

"How are you?"

"I'm great."

I smiled widely, taking a drink of my beer. He was amazing. He doesn't know how many times he had saved me with his lyrics. George doesn't know how many times I've appreciated him. He was a life saver, and a hero.

But feeling the sparks.. He had to be more than just a hero.



"Please Tris..?" Jordon asked, and I couldn't help but laugh, "Just one kiss?"

I turned to face him. He had a grin on his face, and I leaned in to kiss him deeply. He kissed back, and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

George was having a conversation with Hailee, and they were both so happy. George never looked so joyful in his entire life. Hailee looked a little nervous, but she looked so hopeful and amazed.

My stomach dropped, and I suddenly felt nauseous. It couldn't be because of the beer. I only had one, and it took at least 4 or more beers in order for me to throw up. I stared into nothing for the longest time.

"Tris? Trista?" Jordon poked my arm, then stood in front of me. I look up at him, "you're so pale. Is everything--"

I gag and dash to the bathroom, running to the toilet before I could even miss it. Jordon was right on my tail, and quickly pulled my hair out of my face as I hurled everything up.

"Oh, baby.." Charles cooed sadly, stroking my back gently. It was soothing.

"I don't know what's going on." I say, shaking my head.

Someplace through the dark. (Hollywood Undead FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now