We're All Idiots Here.

581 45 13

~Charlie Scene~

I slowly drug my feet as I walked into my house. I yawned, then scanned the dark room tiredly. My body hit the fluffy couch before there was time to take shoes or socks off. Nor was there time to even slip off my clothes to be in only my boxers.


"Wake up mother-f*cker!" A delicate object repeatedly slapped me in the head, causing my LA hat to fly off and make my hair stand up from static.

I tossed onto my back, then opened my eyes to see FunnyMan tower over me. He went for another blow with the throw pillow, but I caught it and threw it in his face. George walked into the doorway from the kitchen, a hand grasped around a Budweiser can. He clicked it open, making the foamy substance be heard bubbling up inside of the metal container.

Danny trotted behind him, with J-Dog tagging along. Da Kurlzz was at the other side of the room, tinkering with the television. With a groan, I sat up and scratched my head.

"Why don't you knock?" I yawn, looking around the living room.

"Because the whole, 'what's mine is yours' conversation we had awhile back." Danny shrugged, plopping onto the couch.

"No. No, you don't--" I hesitated, "--just no. The thing is, you don't listen to the drunk Charlie Scene. That beer is mine, George, I-I don't even care that it's opened."

"But I took a drink and everything!" Johnny wined, leaning against the doorway.

"Just put it in the fridge, act like nothing happened, and get your own beer."


"Go." I snap my fingers, pointing toward the kitchen. George slowly walked backward, then made his way to the fridge and did as he was told.

Daniel stared at me for a long time. I decided to take the risk and stare back at him.

"Are you drunk?"

"No, you dumb ass!" I actually shout, causing everyone to jump slightly. I stood and went to my room to get dressed.

The fact that they always think I'm drunk is unbearable. They just always think that I am unable to be there and watch over myself. That was why they were over. To watch me like a bunch of teenage babysitters. I stripped from my clothing, then got a fresh clean plaid flannel that was hanging in my closet. Dark grey jeans, some boxers and socks.

"Hey-- oh well, f*ck me in the ass." George opened the door, but when he saw my bare ass he slammed it shut. I thought I was going to fall over and scream bloody murder.

"Johnny, I thought we had something?" I chuckle, finally fully clothed. I made my way to the door, opened it and walked out into the living room.

"No, remember Jorel loves you now." George crossed his arms, grinning.

"Hey, he only kissed my cheek once while we were at an interview." Everyone starts to laugh.

"No, go hook up with Gay-Wad over there." George pointed a finger to Da Kurlzz, who was bent over near the TV fixing the wires. His butt crack was hardly showing.

"Huh?" Matthew stood, his raspy voice filled with curiosity.

"Nothing. Just go back to work, Plumber Crack." Danny shooed him by flapping his hand, and all of us laughed.

Kurlzz pulled his pants up, shooting all of us a glare. Then he bent down, thinking more on the cords.

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