Could we make up, could we make out?

550 43 16

I want to advise you that this chapter might be slightly dirty.


"Jordon, you're drunk." I state after he pulls his pants down. The music playing in the house was "Make Out Party" by Incubus, which was different for him.

"It's Charlie for the 10th time," Charles slurred, trying to kick his pants away from him, but the pant leg was still stuck around his foot. With a grunt, he slightly stumbled forward and pulled it off. "or Charles P. Scene."

Jordon shuffled towards me while I sat on the couch. I couldn't help but blush as he stared down at me. He touched my cheek lightly and he smiled.

"Charlie," I corrected myself, "please put your pants back on."

"But, babe--"

"Don't even call me that. We aren't even dating." I scold him, making him slump a bit.

"Tris. Trissy.." Jordon moaned, quickly sitting on the couch and dragging me into his lap.

Honestly, I think going out for lunch and then having a drink was a bad idea. Johnny decided to go home after lunch, so whoever got drunk had to get a ride home from Nisa or I. Of course, Charlie informed me that he needed help up the steps, but once we reached the top he ended up pulling me into his house.

Now, here I was, sitting on his lap while he was in only a shirt and boxers. Before I could even move away I felt something underneath me. My eyes widened and I stood, "Jordon!"

"Charles," he groaned, pulling me back to hug my waist, "could you get it right?"

I really needed to go home, and get away from his sexiness. His gaze was getting to me, his blue eyes staring into mine. Before he could slip his hands under my shirt, I pulled away and trudged to the door. Before I could open the door, Jordon dashed over and tackled me into a hug. We both tumbled to the floor, with him on top of me.

"Charlie, just let me go home. You're drunk." I groan while his face gets closer to mine. I could smell the liquor on his breath.

"Just this one time." He whispered, grasping my hand which was stretched out on the floor.

Jordon began to plant kisses along my neck. It was pretty crazy on how he found my week spot so quickly. It took my breath away almost, and it was like I couldn't control myself. With a finger, I lifted his chin so he could look at me, and after, I kissed him deeply.

Charles quickly placed his hands under my shirt, moving them along my sides before slowly pulling it off. It made me smile, and he stood up clumsily and picked me up bridal style, carrying me into his room. He wasn't well balanced, so he ran into the wall in the hallway once. Afterward, he kicked his door open, and smacked my head against the doorway.

"Oh sh*t!" Jordon exclaimed throwing me into the bed and touching my forehead. I groaned. The pain was excruciating, giving me a headache.

It was as if he sobered up quickly. He tackled me with kisses on the forehead, then decided to cradle me in his arms and rock me back and forth.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know your head would hit the doorway.." I could see him blush of embarrassment as he held me close.

I chuckled, "It's okay."

He shook his head before kissing me passionately on the lips. It was funny on how similar he was to a teddy bear. Cuddly, adorable, and lovable.

"I get high every time I get the taste of you on my tongue.."

I pulled him closer before he could get his shirt off.

"Could we make up, could we make out?"

I woke up the next morning with Jordon's arm over my side. With a yawn, I turned over slowly in order to keep from waking him. Instead, he pulled me closer and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, Beautiful." Charlie whispered into my ear, then kissed me again on the cheek. I couldn't help but smile.


He pulled away slowly, rolling out of bed and pulling some boxers on, "What would you like for breakfast? Banana pancakes?"

Let me admit; he was a total romance guy. The way he treated me the first days I met him, he would seem to let go of me. I had no idea a guy who talked about his weenie would turn out to be such a sweet man.

"While listening to Jack Johnson?" I giggled, sitting up in bed.

"Can't forget about that." He chuckles, walking out of the room. I decided to just put on his white "Oh sh*t nice." Shirt before walking down the hall to the kitchen.

"Banana Pancakes" was already playing by Jack Johnson, and Charlie was at the stove already pouring pancake batter into a pan. I hugged him from behind.

"So," Jordon begins, chopping up some bananas up and putting them in the pancake, "I still need to take you out one night."

"Fine." I finally give in after a couple days, and with that he turns and kisses me hard.

"It's about time." He smiles widely.

I decided to update this book again. Mostly because Dirtchic219 wanted me to, and also because I had the motivation to. :)

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