Chapter Nine: Dealing With Cardin

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After Glynda said we were going on a field trip to Forever Falls, we went towards the forest to collect some red sap, and maybe resurrect some of my nephews and nieces for Abaddon. Once my friends and I arrived, we admired the beautiful sight.

Drake: This is a beautiful forest.

Glynda: Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so.

Y/N: (Everyone except me.)

I looked behind to see Jane carrying a suitcase, with several jars on top. She accidentally bumps into Cardin.

Jane: Oh!

Cardin looks back at Jane, who just whistled while looking away from him.

Y/N: (What's up with her?)

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap.

She pulled out a jar filled with the red fluid.

Glynda: However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. Don't fret, though, Y/N will protect you all. *Looks at me* Isn't that right, dear?

I nodded swiftly.

Glynda: Anyways, we will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!

Yang: Oh, man! This is going to be fun!

Drake: Woo!

When looking back at Jane, she was about to walk away from Cardin, but she was stopped by him.

Cardin: C'mon, buddy! Let's go.

She looked at Pyrrha, who was just standing in the distance while Nora and Rin did their job. Jane walked away with Cardin.

Drake: Remnant to uncle.

I looked at Drake, who was looking at me with concern.

Drake: You alright?

Y/N: "Something seems off."

Drake: What is it?

Ruby: Y/N!

I looked to see the girls looking at me with jars in their hands.

Weiss: Aren't you going to help us out?

Yang: Yeah, you'll miss out the fun, cutie.

Drake: My uncle says something's off.

Blake: What's the matter?

Y/N: "I'm going to watch over Jane. She seems different. Just do what you have to do."

Ruby: Okay! Be quick!

The four left me to do their own thing.

Y/N: "Come on, before someone notices."

Drake: Okay.

The two of us went to follow Jane. When we got behind a tree, she was collecting the red sap from a tree.

Drake: *Whispers* She's working alone?

I transformed into my true form.

Y/N: It appears so.

I accidentally spoke a bit too loud. Jane might've heard me.

Jane: Y/N? Is that you?

After getting caught, I got out of my hiding spot and just walked towards her.

Night Walker: Rwby Harem x Male Wendigo Grimm Reader (Now Dead)Where stories live. Discover now