9.) Don't Fall, You Might Not Get Back Up Again...

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I moved Peeta out of the way and sat in the chair next to Marry's bed. I still held onto her hand, and I looked her in the eyes. They said nothing but the truth. Peeta's grandmother was in the Hunger Games. That's amazing. Why wouldn't Peeta want me to know? Did he think that I would be hurt or something? This woman probably has some very interesting stories in her head. She could have shared some stories to us when it was getting close to the Reaping. The only thing that doesn't make any sense is that she was never mentioned in the past Hunger Games. Not a single name of Marry Mellark. Maybe Peeta didn't want her talking about it because he knew that the stories weren't true. But then that leaves Ib... Who is she? If it was a she then how was that possible? There were two tributes from each district. A boy and a girl. Or is Ib a he?

"Marry, you were in the Hunger Games?" I asked while holding onto her hand still.

"Yes I was. Me and my best friend Ib. We always used to talk about if we were chosen to be in the Hunger Games. We had so many ideas about what we would do to keep each other alive. I would save him if he was being chased and he would suck the poison out of my tracker jacker sting if I was stung." Marry looked at me with her dark green eyes. I knew that there was something behind them that she was hiding, and I couldn't place my finger on it. Ib was a guy though, so maybe she was in the previous games...

"How did you win?" I asked Marry.

"Katniss, enough, this isn't the best time." Peeta said to me softly.

"What don't you want me to know Peeta?" I asked him. He looked at me with hard eyes. The blue ocean that had been there a minute ago was completely gone. Not a trace of water anywhere.

"Now's not the best time Katniss." He said to me again, only this time he had more authority behind it.

I looked over to Peter and saw him hanging onto Marry's other hand for dear life. I guess I was taking up his family time. Maybe I shouldn't have come if I knew it was going to be this bad. I looked back to Marry and smiled a sweet smile at her. She looked at me and let go of my hand. With the hand that I used to hold, she moved it up to my cheek. Her frail fingers were shaking with such violence it was scary. I grabbed her hand and held it on my cheek and felt her cold hand become warm. Marry smiled at me one last time, and then I got out of the chair next to her bed. I patted her hand before I walked into the other room that wasn't her bedroom. The room I was in I didn't know what to call it. I heard foot steps come from behind me and I found Prim standing a few feet away from me.

"Hey Little Duck." I said giving her a smile.

"Hi Katniss." Prim responded sadly. She had a smile on her face but her voice was giving away her true feelings. I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug.

"What's wrong Prim? Are you alright?" I asked with worry. She pulled away from me a bit and looked into my eyes. Her face was stained with tear trails. I wiped one of the trails away with my free hand and looked at her.

"I don't know. I'm scared Katniss." She said in a low whisper.

"Scared of what Prim?" I asked softly. I pushed the stray blond hair out of her face away from her eyes and placed my hand on her cheek.

"Marry." She said crying into my shirt. Prim was shaking as violently as Marry's hand was.

"Why are you scared of Marry Prim?" I asked lowering myself to her level.

"She keeps looking at me with these cold and hard eyes. Marry's making me feel like I don't belong here. Like I'm invading some space that she has, what's wrong with me Katniss?" Prim locked her arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder. What's going on with her? She's normally very fond of elderly people. What's Marry doing to her?

Peeta Mellark, You've Stolen My Heart.Where stories live. Discover now