13.) Dark Days Lord They Seem to Darken as they Go.

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Prim's Point of View.

I was itching like crazy when I woke up. My skin was covered in some type of powder or something, and I could feel it absorbing into my skin. I didn't dare to wipe the sleep out of my eyes in case I had any of that powder crap on my hands. I was itchy enough as it was. I looked around the room I was in and I saw Peeta of all people sitting in the chair beside my make-shift bed. My mood shifted immediately.

I didn't know what was going on with me lately. This really isn't who I am. I'm not angry all the time, neither am I depressed or anything in between. I don't know what's happening with me honestly. The only thing I remember is getting out of my bed and then I remember getting pinned down onto the ground. I was crying my eyes out and I couldn't stop. This wasn't making any sense. Why am I pinned? What had I done again? Where's Katniss? I want my sister! Where is my sister!?


Peeta's Point of View.

Things were going so good. Katniss was finally mine. We were going to have a life together, a life where not a single person could intervene. A life that consisted of Prim, Katniss and I. My father wouldn't be taking the bakery from my grandmother, so that only meant one thing. I was going to tell that to Katniss, but I never found her when I went out of the house. I was starting to worry now because she had been gone all night long and not a single word or message passed on from someone.

It was going to be Katniss and I. We were going to have a good life, and I would even be able to provide for her! I had everything planned out. Everything, and now she's gone.

I don't know what;s going on anymore things are just getting to be too much. I had to pin Prim to the ground and boy was that hard. This girl may be little but boy is she strong!

I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to make sure that I find Katniss soon, or at least if I don't do that then I'll have to make sure that her sister is better because that would have been what she wanted.


Katniss Point of View.

The scene I was in was all wrong. It was too bright and too white. The table was metal and hard, and I couldn't lay on it any longer. The back of my head was hurting and as I tried to sit up and reach for the back of my head, I was stopped. There were wires holding me in the position I was in. Where the hell am I?! I struggled against the wires but nothing was working. With each forceful pull I made it seemed like the wires were only getting tighter around me. I started screaming out as loud as I could so that someone or at least something would come and find me. My screams were answered by an intercom sort of thing. There was no face, but only a voice. A male voice.

"I suggest that you stay where you are and not struggle because if you continue to do so, you won't have any hands or feet left. The wires will tighten and cause lack of circulation, and eventually, they will become so tight, that they will snap off your hands and feet. There will be someone in the room with you momentarily. But like I said, don't struggle." When the voice faded out there was an evil laughter after it that sent chills down my spine. I didn't care if the person was lying about wither or not my hands and feet would be cut off, I just listened anyway because the wires were tightening.

I looked around me for once and saw all of these glass bottles and such. There were funky looking liquids inside of them. There were also needles and pliers on a mobile platter. That didn't look to pleasing to me. My mind was in over drive. I looked down by my feet and saw that there were two hospital looking doors that led to an outside area. This was like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. This is just too much.

Just as I started to feel pity for myself and cry, I heard a clicking noise. Almost like the sound of gears rubbing together. I looked over to my right and saw nothing and then to my left and saw nothing. I shut my eyes and hoped for the best. The intercom came on again and this time it was a different voice. It was a female voice.

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