4.) Go Away With Me.

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~Katniss Point of View.

___*Afternoon after the Reaping*.___

Waking up in Peeta's bed was quite a shock to me, but in the end I realised how and why I was there. Peeta had explained almost everything to me.

___*Morning after the Reaping*.___

My head is spinning like a tornado. What on Earth happened? I feel around me to see where I am, and when I touch something it feels like cotton. Cotton? How can I feel cotton? I don't own any. I finally open my eyes and see that I'm not in my own house, I'm in someone else's. This isn't right. Where am I?

I'm in a bed with white cotton covers over me, my head is spinning, and this isn't my house. What did I do last night? So many questions are going on in my head right now.

Alright, think Katniss. What is the last thing you remember doing? I remember going to the Reaping with Peeta, Paul, and Prim, then I remember that I was called for the girl tribute, and Delly took my place. Then right after Gale was called for the boy tribute. I remember falling to the ground crying and screaming, and then I remember Peeta picking me up and holding me in his arms...I think I fell asleep after that.

Alright, so that's not too bad. Wait, not too bad?! I was picked for the freaking Hunger Games! How is that not too bad?! Oh my Lord, I'm crazy!

I uncover myself and get out of the bed a little too quickly. My head spins even more that before and I almost fall to the ground because I'm so dizzy. Before I fall on my face, I sit back down on the bed. After a few minutes, I can see again. Maybe I should take in some of my surroundings to see where I am. That's a great idea Katniss, why didn't you think of it earlier? I KNOW! Because I'm and idiot.

Looking at the walls I see many different paintings. They're beautiful, I can't believe that someone could posses such skill to paint these wonderful things. The floor is hard wood, but there is a small purple rug under the bed where you can put your feet when you get out of bed. The bed is huge of course, and well the covers are cotton. This has to be Peeta's house. Well, room for that matter... His room is amazing. I've got to find Peeta then, he can explain some things that I don't already know myself. He wouldn't lie to me either.

I get out of the bed slowly this time and make my way to the door and jiggle the handle. It won't open. I try it again and still nothing. I'm locked inside of this room? Seriously? Why would Peeta lock me in his room? What if this isn't Peeta's room...? Oh crap. I jiggle the doorknob again and this time I hear something on the other side of the door. Footsteps actually. I try the door again and this time the footsteps grow closer and closer, louder and louder. Then I hear it. A crash coming from the other side of the door, and then the voice following the crash.

"What did I tell you boys about leaving your cloths on the ground outside of the hallways! Pick up your garbage!" I know this voice, and this a voice that I have much hate for. Peeta's mother. Good, so I am in Peeta's room, but where's Peeta?

I jiggle on the door again and I can hear Peeta's mother getting closer to the door. I shouldn't be locked in this room. Peeta's mother was probably the one who locked me in here! How could Peeta let her do that?! He wouldn't...

His mother is just on the other end of the door now, I know it. Just one more little jiggle...

"Mom! Come quick, I think the food's burning on the stove down stairs! I don't know what to do! HELP!" Peeta yells.

"Oh no! Peeta you idiot! Handle it for now, I'm coming you stupid boy!" His mother yells back to him.

I hate her. I hate her so, so, so much.

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