12.) Stop Missing Him, He's Not Yours... Now...

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"Peeta, you can't be serious!" I yelled in frustration.

"Well, guess what, I am!" Peeta yelled back at me.

"I'm not going to let you leave! I'm not! You're not going to leave me!" 

"Enough Katniss! I'm tired of you, and I'm tired of your weird sister! I'm not going to continue anything with you because you don't know what it's like for me to live with that!" Peeta yelled. The tears were running down my face like a stream. They weren't going to stop because now I really knew that my life was over. Peeta's leaving me. I'm done.

 I woke up drenched in sweat. Peeta sat with me on the couch stroking my hair.

"Are you alright?" He asked me with furrowed brows. I nodded my head which was in his lap.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened? Did I miss anything? Please tell me that I didn't?" I looked at him with worried eyes.

"No, shh. It's fine, everything is fine. You didn't miss anything. I would've woke you up if there was anything." Peeta smiled at me and I smiled back a small smile. I sat myself up and he scooted himself closer to me and wrapped his arm around me shoulder.

"What happened then?" I asked.

"Nothing really. Just the whole starting thing where they introduce the tributes and tell their whole life story. They really don't stop when it comes to backgrounds. I never knew that Delly had mental issues in her head. They had to give her some medication before she was interviewed because she was going nuts when she was talking to Cesar. And I never knew that you used to live with Gale. They don't stop Katniss. Not for anything." Peeta shook his head and then kissed mine.

"I lived with Gale for a short while because I couldn't have gotten away from my mother any way else. Peeta, you know that if you were there then I would have asked if I could have stayed with you." I looked into his deep blue ocean eyes and saw sadness.

"Katniss, I think that you always knew that you could have come to me." His eyes grew sadder by the second.

"Peeta please. The only reason I didn't come to you was because I didn't think that I meant anything to you. I'm sorry, alright? You have me now though, isn't that enough for you sweet boy?" I looked Peeta in the eyes and grabbed his hand that dangled from my shoulder. He gripped mine and I smiled.

"Yes. That's enough for now. Until I want that hand to be mine." Peeta smiled a wide grin at me and I laughed.

"Not for a while yet. Maybe when you and I are alone?" I laughed at Peeta and then I saw that he turned his attention to the television.

"The Hunger Games are only minutes away people, get ready for the first bloodbath of the evening!" Cesar yelled into his microphone. I cringed at his words and Peeta held me closer to him.

"Let's take a closer look at the tributes, hey Cesar?" the other new announcer said. The words under him read Roman Godfrey. He must have taken Claudius's place.

The camera rolled over the tributes. First from District One, and then finally District Twelve. I saw Gale standing there in a pose that I only saw him in while hunting. Delly wasn't much of a poser. She stood there like a little girl lost in a store. Her face is what touched my heart though. She looked sad. but then she looked happy. Like she knew what was going to happen, almost as if she knew that she was going to be alright. I smiled at her.

I could just imagine Prim walking into the room right now and sitting across from us smiling at me. I could see my mother too. I missed her even though I hated her guts. This is a time where family gathers and where they have a jubilation. This wasn't home to me right now. To make matters worse my little sister wasn't even here with me. I started to cry when I thought about that. I thanked God that it wasn't my little sister that was chosen as tribute because if it was I would have taken her place. There would have been no way that I would have let them take my baby sister on me. She was mine and mine only. I wouldn't have wished that on anyone, no matter how much they might have hurt me. 

Peeta Mellark, You've Stolen My Heart.Where stories live. Discover now