2.) The Reaping Begins.

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I wake up to the sound of birds singing outside my bedroom window. They're singing a sorrowful tune, and it's one I know very well because I was told to forget about it. The Hanging Tree. My mother had told me to forget about it, but since I was only around seven years old at the time, I was very stubborn. I wouldn't listen to anything but what my father had told me. But even when he had told me to forget it because our mother wasn't fond of it, I still didn't listen.

I get out of my bed sluggishly and trip over my own footing several times before I reach my sisters room. Prim lies her head at the foot end of the bed with Buttercup sitting right beside her. My mother's feet are just about in her face. I can't help laughing at this. If my sister were to wake up to my mother's feet in her face, that would make this the best Reaping day of my entire life. 

That's when my thoughts come up cold and short. Today is the Reaping of the 79th Annual Hunger Games. And I know who the male tribute will be. My 'boyfriend' Gale. I actually feel sorry for the female tribute. Somehow I think that she's going to be to 'head-over-heels' for Gale's looks. Every girl wants him. Sooner or later, he's just going to kill her because she probably has no skill whatsoever. That poor girl.

"Katniss?" Prim says sleepily.

"It's alright little Duck. Go back to sleep. You need your rest for the day. It's a very big one too." I say to her sweetly. I don't want to scare her into having any nightmares. She's going to be living one in about six hours.

"Alright. Katniss?"


"Can you tell me why you're with Gale?" She asks me out of the blue. What on Earth am I going to tell her? 'I only chose Gale because I couldn't have Peeta.'? I don't think so. Besides, Prim honestly can't keep secrets. I don't want Peeta to know anything until the Reaping today. And that's only if he get's picked. Which isn't likely. I hope not at least.

"It's... Complicated Prim. Gale is Gale. I love him the way he is. He just gets on my nerves sometimes. Nothing wrong with that, right?" I say to her.

"No, I guess not. Night Katniss." She lays her head back down on the pillow and as soon as I exit the room, I can hear her soft snores echoing though out the house. I smile. This is a common thing, nothing that's extraordinary or anything, but it's something that brings a smile to my face. It tells me that I've done a good job at keeping my family fed, and that my family is safe from harm. Aside from the Hunger Games and Prim.

I'm standing in the kitchen re-reading the note that Peeta left me from the other morning. I've been going insane not seeing him since he left. I don't know how he is, or if he's hurting for that matter. The one thing that really makes me think about Peeta, is him and Delly. The only thing that would make Peeta hurt, would be having dumped Delly, and then she got sent off into the Hunger Games. He couldn't live with himself if that happened. I knew it too.

I've waited long enough to see Peeta. I know that I told myself that I would wait until the Reaping to be with Peeta, but I'm going insane with worry about him. He's honestly the only thing on my mind right now. Well the only thing aside from Prim.

I walk over the the kitchen table and grab a pen and piece of paper. I write:


Don't think I left, I didn't. I went to go see Peeta. I'll be back in a little bit. I'll help you get ready for the Reaping if you would like. I'm going to try and see Gale too. I promise I'll be back in time before the Reaping starts. Love you to pieces little Duck. Stay Strong.  - Katniss."

Well, now that Prim knows where I am, she should be fine. I'll be back in plenty of time. It's only early morning, so Gale would still be in the mines. Peeta on the other hand, would be in the bakery making fresh bread. The soft, warm, light brown and fluffy bread. I'm sprinting now. Towards the bakery. I need to see Peeta. Make sure he's alright.

Peeta Mellark, You've Stolen My Heart.Where stories live. Discover now