7.) Will we be Mountain Men by the 25th? Let's Hope.

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I guess I had fallen asleep for a bit. I looked out my window and saw that it was no longer snowing. However we did have a light dusting of it covering the ground. I walked over to my desk and sat down. I gripped the pencil in my hand as tightly as possible. Then I thought of things to say.

After about twenty minutes of nothing, I finally got something.

"I'm not going to start with the 'dear' thing. That's stupid. I wanted to tell you so many things. It's taken me more than a few hours to come up with this letter. You of all people, I swear Gale. I knew that you had something going on with Delly. I heard you guys talking in the woods. Don't worry, I'm not angry. You probably knew about Peeta, but the thing is, nothing happened until Delly came into the bakery and started yelling at him. I'm sorry things have to be the way they are. We should have worked something out with one another, but time wasn't on our side.

I'm so sorry that you have to be in the Hunger Games. I wouldn't wish that on anyone no matter how much they hurt me. It's not right in the beginning. Tell Delly if you get a chance that I am so grateful for her. Without her, I wouldn't be alive probably. I miss you already. Try not to die in front of the camera, okay Gale? I may not be the best of terms with you at the moment, but I don't want to see you get killed. If you make it out alive I want us to still be friends. Go back to the old days where a 'relationship' wasn't necessary for us. This is honestly killing me inside.

Me and Peeta are happy, if that means anything to you. I want to give you some tips, and I am not trying to get you killed, I swear to Snow. When you get into the arena, don't dash for the corniqopia, dodge it. You and Delly run for the woods. Look for a source of water, and camp there for the first day. If you don't listen to me, you will die right off the bat. Try to make an allience of some sorts, and then when you don't need the people any longer, kill them. Think back to all the times that you and me were in the woods planing out what we would do if we were ever chosen. Think back to then. Remember Gale. Remember.

I'm going away with Peeta to see his Grandmother near the mountains. I don't know when we'll be back, so don't write me any letters. I'm lucky that I can send you this one. Madge is a saint. Without her you wouldn't get this at all. Prim is coming with us too. We might not come back at all. If me and Peeta can make it long enough, we're going to stay. It's not a definite yes, but we are debating weather or not it would work. I'll message you some other time. If we move there, you should come and visit. We'll be watching the games, don't worry. I would like to see you one last time.

Stay alive Gale, don't die. If you get this message, then sing the valley song, or do something that only I would understand so that I know that you got this message. Gale, I love you, stay safe. Don't die.


There, the letter to Gale was done. I don't know how much time I have left before I have to leave for the bakery. I can't leave Prim here, but if she doens't want to come, then what? I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable with taking her against her will.

I got up and stalked out of my room. I made my way over to Prim's door and hesitated for a minute. What am I going to say to her? I'm leaveing you either come with me or you don't? No, that's cruel. There's no time for thinking this through. She can make her mind up quick enough. I opened her door and walked into her room. She was sitting on her bed with a pencil in her hand. Prim was drawing again. I don't know when she woke up, but I guess it's better to talk to her while she's awake.

"Prim," I said softly. She jerked her head in my direction and gave me a cold stare.

"What?" She responded harshly.

"I just want to talk. Peeta asked me if I had wanted to come with him when he left tomorrow." I told her.

"No. You're not going." She replied instantly.

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