10.) It's None Of Your Business... Or is it?

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"I saw a cat." Peeta said looking at me with scared eyes.

"See, what did I tell you. I'm not crazy. So, since you saw Hector-." I began talking but I slipped up and said Hector's name.

"Who's Hector?" Peeta asked.

"Hector is the cat that you saw. I gave him that name. It suited him. Look anyway, what did you see exactly?" I asked.

"You seriously wouldn't believe me if I told you." Peeta said.

"Somehow I honestly think I would." My eyes looked down to the ground and stared at the little tile.

"Oh, right you said you saw the cat too. Well, it started this morning. I didn't see you when I woke up, so I got up and started to look for you. I was about to go into Grammy's room when I saw a cat walking towards me. It had a dead mouse in it's mouth, and I wasn't sure how to react. I moved toward the cat and then I saw Grammy crawling on her elbows to get to me. She kept saying that Prim was changing and that it wasn't good. I didn't know what to do. I was freaking out, my Grandmother just came crawling out of her room on her elbows and I'm standing there like an idiot. The look she had in her eyes Katniss, it was like she wasn't there, like something was controlling her. When I finally moved, I ran backwards and hit myself in the face with one of the open doors on accident. The next thing I knew I was sitting on the ground. I looked back to see if Grammy was still there and she wasn't, there was no cat either. So I got up and walked into the living room and sat down. I've been here since about six in the morning. Then I guess you got finished doing whatever it was you were doing and came in here."

"I thought that he wouldn't bother men..." I said quietly to myself. Peeta caught it though.

"What do you mean? Who wouldn't bother men?" He asked me with concern.

"Look, I can't tell you right now. I shouldn't even know what about it myself in your eyes. Well I mean in Peter's eyes..." My eyes left his and I looked down at the ground.

"Katniss, what are you talking about? Just tell me I won't tell my dad. I promise, just tell me." His voice was wrong. It sounded strange.

"I wish I could, but the thing is I shouldn't know myself. You and your Dad wouldn't like what I know. Not to mention I couldn't tell you right now anyway, your dad might be up and around and Prim might be too. I can't say anything now."

"What are you talking about? What do you know Katniss? Why can't you tell me?" Peeta turned my head so that I was looking him in the eyes. 

"Look, I know that you're worried, but listen,don't be. It's alright. I'll tell you everything when we go to bed tonight. I promise Peeta." I grabbed onto his hands and held them in mine.

"Alright, don't leave out any details though, and I mean it Katniss." Peeta looked at me with a stern face.

"I promise." I smiled at him and leaned into his face. When I got just inches from his lips I heard Peter yell out. Peeta pulled away abruptly and ran to where he heard his father.

"Dad!" I heard Peeta yell. I sprang up from off the couch and ran to Peeta. I heard his low voice coming from inside of his Grandmother's room.

"Peeta?!" I yelled. I turned on my heel into Marry's room and smacked into Peeta. My butt hit the ground and I just sat there looking at the scene in front of me.

Peter was standing next to his mother's bedside holding her hand up to his face weeping, Peeta was standing in front of me hands balled into fists and his face blank. Something was wrong. I looked over to Marry and saw that she was still. Very still. Her chest wasn't falling and rising like it had been before. It was still. Her eyes were shut and it looked like she was sleeping. She was very peaceful, but the peace she had was deadly.

Peeta Mellark, You've Stolen My Heart.Where stories live. Discover now