Chapter 1 - The Boy

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   He was a short boy about around 5 feet 5 inches. He had brown hair and he was laughing. He was sitting on a bench in the park with a blonde haired boy and another brown haired boy that looked to be about 6 feet tall.

   You noticed them while you were reading a book under a tree and the blonde boy started laughing loudly. You and the brown haired boy on the end made eye contact. He looked away quickly and blushed. Then he turned to the blonde and shushed him. The blonde turned an looked at him.

   "What?" the blonde asks.

   "You're too loud, Tommy," says the brown haired one on the end again. 

   "What do you mean?" asks the one named, Tommy.

   "You are too loud," the boy says. He points to you and you look away.

   "A WOMAN!!!" yells Tommy. He quickly hops off the bench, but the other brown haired one pulls him down. "What the hell, Ranboo, man?"

   The one who must be named Ranboo looks at him sternly. The other boy glances back at you. When you make eye contact again he makes no effort to look away. Instead he walks over to you, "I'm sorry about my friend."

   "It's fine," you smile.

   He runs his hands through his hair and then looks at you. "What are you reading?"

   "Greek mythology book," you say smiling. "It's for one of my classes,"

   "Oh, that's cool." he says. "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I gotta go."

   "Nice meeting you too," you smile as he runs off back to where his friends are.

   He waves as him and his friends leave the park. Soon you realize you never got the boy's name. You bash yourself for being so stupid, but you realize you'd probably never see him again so you let the issue run off your shoulders as you finish studying.

   But at the moment you could have never been so wrong.

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now