Chapter 11 - Sisterly Advice

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Tubbo's POV

I was still laying in bed when my sister, Lani, came to check on me, "You okay, big bro?"

"Yea," I say.

"Seems to me like you've been crying," she says quietly.

"Yea," I repeat.

"Why?" she asks.

"I think my partner likes someone else," I told her as I sat on the bed to invite her in and let her take a seat.

She gets the message and walks in and sits down, "To be fair, I didn't even know you had a partner."

"I kinda wanted to get to know her first before I introduced her to the family," I explained. "Plus, at the time we met, she was getting ready for her final exams."

"She's a college student?" Lani asks.

"Yeah," I say. "She moved here from America for college."

"That sounds cool," Lani says, trying her hardest to brighten me up.

"She was pretty cool," I told her. "We had so much in common. She didn't judge me for any of my failures. She even took up for me plenty of times when the guys were making jokes. We even finished South Park together."

"So she was a simp?" asks Lani. This causes a small giggle out of me. "No, she just really cared. One day you'll find someone like that. Someone who loves you for you and that doesn't judge you for the things you can't do or the mistakes you made in the past."

"Maybe..." Lani agrees. "I'm kinda not looking for that kinda thing right now."

Once again she forces a laugh out of me, "Toby, you just have to talk to her."

"I know, but I don't want to mess things up by assuming something that's not true," I tell her.

"So you'd rather sit here and sulk about it?" says my other sister, Teagan as she walks into the room holding a plate of food.

"I'm not sulking," I argue.

"Clearly, you are," Teagan responds. "You haven't come out of this room since yesterday evening. The only time I've even spotted you in that hallway was to go to the toilet."

"I don't even think he's been doing that anymore," Lani jokes.

"Lani!" Teagan laughs.

"What, it's true," she smiles. "How long has it been since your last bathroom break from your 'eternal' heartbreak?"

"About four hours, I guess," I reply.

"Four hours?!" exclaim the girls in sync.

"I don't know, maybe more," I tell them.

"That's not healthy, Toby," Teagan says. "You know mom and dad would tell you the same."

"All those times you peed on the floor," Lani smiles. "Guess you really drained yourself out."

We all crack up in laughter, "In all seriousness, Toby, I really think you should talk to her. At least see what she has to say. You might be worrying yourself over nothing. It seems to me like she's honestly dedicated."

"Yea, you two are bound for life," smiles Lani. "Especially if she sat and watched South Park with you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"You are such a loud laughter," says Lani. "It can be a real pain sometimes."

"Is this true, Teagan," I ask, turning to face her.

"Oh, well would you look at what time it is?" Teagan says getting up in a haste. "I better get going. I have to go meet some friends in a few minutes. Bye, Toby."

"Yeah, right," I laugh. I pull a pillow from the front of the bed and throw it at her just as she leaves the room. It nearly misses but hits her in the head. We all share a laugh. Every day I was grateful for my sisters, if I didn't have them I don't know where I'd be. They seemed to know that. Maybe being the only boy was a good thing.

Once Teagan has gone, Lani turns back towards me, "Do what feels right and what makes you feel better. You don't have to rush, just know you have too much to lose by sitting her crying. I know you'll make the right decision."

"Thanks, Lani," I smile.

"No problem," she smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "I love you, big brother,"

"Love you too, child," I laughed, hugging her back.

"Hey!" she exclaims. "My name is not Tommy."

We both laugh at her joke and then sit in the room talking and laughing until I felt completely back to normal. A few hours later Lani says good night and goes to bed. The house was completely quiet. Everyone was asleep. This gave me plenty of time to think about my next move.

What should I do?

Talk to her, idiot!

What if she does like Tommy?

Drop her like a hot pan.

I can't do that to her. Even if she does like my best friend I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. Plus, what if I got the wrong idea and she doesn't really like Tommy?

Well, the only way to find out is to talk to her. I mean look at you. Lani was right, you have too much to lose by sitting here sulking. You haven't even taken a shower since yesterday night. I haven't even been to the bathroom in hours. Why is that? Because you're too afraid to even look at yourself. Because you think you failed. You think that you failed her. You think you're a bad boyfriend, a bad partner, but you're not. No, you've been nothing, but a good boyfriend. You made one mistake, but everyone makes mistakes.

Yea, but they don't make those kinds of mistakes. They don't miss important events they set up. They don't ruin the best day of their partner's life. Good partners don't do those types of things.

Get your head out of the gutter! One day you're gonna learn that not everything is honey bees and flower fields. Life sucks. In the real world, people make mistakes. This isn't a Minecraft mod, this is real life. You can't just push a button and generate a new girlfriend. You have to go out in the real world and talk to people just like everyone else.

I don't want to talk to or see other people. I want Y/N. That's the only person I want.

Well, stop being a little bitch and do something about it.

"I'm not a bitch," I say aloud. I quickly cover my mouth. This is what it's come to. Me arguing with my inner conscience. I knew what I had to do. My conscience was right. I had to stop being a little bitch and talk to her.

I quickly got out of bed.

It's the middle of the night.

Better now than never.

{Created: May 19, 2022, at 10:54 am}

[Published: May 20, 2022, at 6:06 am]

Word count: 1088 words

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