Chapter 8 - All Dressed Up

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Tommy's POV

This whole week I've been trying to figure out the perfect place for Tubbo and Y/N to go on the perfect date, but they were too good for all these annoying fancy restaurants. I knew that because I was too good for them. I also realized that if they were to go to a fancy restaurant Tubbo would probably get noticed.

They needed somewhere romantic. Yes, romantic, but private. A small place that they will both enjoy. I knew that Tubbo had a lot of favorite things, but I didn't know hardly anything about Y/N. I didn't know her hobbies, her favorite things, her favorite places. I was empty-handed in the Y/N department.

I knew that Tubbo told me when he first met her that day in the park she had been reading a book underneath the tree across from us. I was pretty hyper that day so I hardly even noticed her until Tubbo pointed her out. I admit she was hot, but I knew at that moment she was all for Toby.

He never told me to be quiet for anyone, much less a random stranger in the park. I never thought Tubbo would get a woman before me, but there they are. Trending, holding hands, and being full-on 'romantic'.

Don't get me wrong, I liked their relationship, but I hated that Tubbo was once again happy without me. I hate to admit it, but Tubbo was my best friend and I wanted the best for him. The only reason I don't object is that I see how happy she makes him.

I owe it all to Tommy.

Tubbo's words rang through my head. He was right, but it was more that I owe it to him. He was my best friend and did a lot of crazy shit with me. I mean Wilbur does things with me too, but it was always me and Tubbo. We were a clingy duo. THE clingy duo. Tubbo and Tommy, well more like Tommy and Tubbo, but you get the picture.

We were named that for a reason. We never let each other go. Nothing ever came between us, but now I feel us slowly drifting apart even more. First, it was with Ranboo. We met him and they instantly became friends. I mean Ranboo is a pretty cool guy, but he stole my friend and sometimes it still makes me jealous. Bee duo. They were the bee duo, me and Tubbo will always be clingy duo, but it was starting not to feel like that anymore. Now they have a new duo for their relationship, lovely duo, I wasn't jealous of their relationship I just didn't like the way it made Tubbo and I drift apart even more than previously.

I don't think Tubbo even realizes it's happening, or at least I hoped not. If he realized we were drifting apart but continued to ignore it...doesn't that mean he's moved on? Doesn't that mean the end of Tommy and Tubbo, the end of clingy duo? I don't know what I'd do without Tubbo.

 I had to make this work. I had to make this the best date Tubbo will ever have in his life. I had to make sure this was gonna be Tubbo's first and last date.

The reason this will be his last date, you may be asking. This will be his last date because this will be the perfect date and I would do everything I could to keep them together because I knew the moment Y/N were to leave, so would Tubbo's happiness. It would be taken with her. He is glued to Y/N since the moment he met her and I want to keep it that way. For her, for Tubbo, and most definitely for me.

I decide to call up Y/N.

"Hello?" she says as she picks up the phone.

"Hey, this is Tommy,"

"Oh, hi, Tommy!" she says. "Is there something wrong with Toby?"

"Oh, no," I say quickly.

"Then, what's up?" she seemed genuinely confused. Maybe that's my fault for never really talking and trying to get to know her. I think of my next words carefully, so as not to startle her.

"What do you like to do?" asks Tommy. "Y'know like for fun."

"Are you trying to imply something here?" she asks. "I might be getting the wrong message."

Once again my arrogance gets the best of me, "You may be getting the right message, but you'll never know until you tell me."

"I think I'll pass if that's the case," she says. Soon all I hear is the one hang up. Tommy, you fucked up. How am I gonna explain this to Tubbo? What am I gonna do? How am I gonna set up the perfect date if I don't know anything about her? Tubbo is gonna be so disappointed in me. I hate to say it, but as his friend sometimes I feel like we always need each other's approval. No matter what we do or where we go, we always need each other's approval.

Tubbo helps me plan out all my vlog ideas and he happens to be a part of the majority of them, but ever since we started drifting, so did his activity in my productions. I noticed he wasn't in as many as he was before. It's not that I didn't invite him, it just seemed that he had his own life now. Tubbo knows that he is always welcome in all of my endeavors, but he never shows. 

I decided to try again. I dial Y/N's number again. I silently beg that she answers. Then I hear her voice once again, yet slightly annoyed, "You just don't give up do you, Tommy?"

"No," I say.

"What do you want exactly?" she asks in a fairly annoyed tone. I could smell the eye rolls from here.

"I really need to know the things that you enjoy," I say. "It could be anything, literally anything, people, places, animals, whatever, you name it."

"You know what I enjoy?" she says. "Tubbo. I enjoy Tubbo. So please, don't ruin this by being self-centered towards your best friend. Please let this go, Tommy. Goodnight."

"Y/N, wait!" I yell before she hangs up. I hear her sigh on the other end.

"What, Tommy?" she asks in anger. "What could you possibly want?"

"I promise it's for a good cause," I plead.

"A good cause for you?" she asks.

"No..." I say. "I promise it'll all be worth it."

"Fine," she sighs. "If this is some type of game, Tommy, I will be sure to end it before it even starts. Clear?"

"Crystal," I say. I normally wouldn't be this agreeing, but I had no choice considering my goal. Now that I was getting the information I needed I could finally set up the perfect date for Tubbo and Y/N.

"EARTH TO TOMMY!!!" I hear a yell in my ear.

"Oh, sorry, what were you saying?" I respond. "I got lost in thought, my apologies."

"No problem," she sighs. "I said that there is this really nice field right in the woods of the park that I like to go to whenever I feel like I need time alone."

"Okay, thanks Y/N," you smile.

"You're welcome, Tommy," she says with a yawn. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I say before quickly ending the call.

I decided the next day I would go check out the place and see what I could put together. I vowed to myself on this night that I would get my best friend back, and that is a promise that I will be keeping.

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now