Chapter 3 - Hearts and Stars

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   You ended up getting Tubbo's number from Tommy. You hesitate to text him when you get home because you don't want to overwhelm him, but you really want to talk to him. So you take the chance.


Y/N: Hey. This is Y/N from the cafe. Tommy gave me your nuber and I'm wondering if we can talk

   You immediately get a reply from him.

Tubbo: Hi Y/N!!! Sure, I would love to talk to you. I'm kinda bored right now and need someone to talk to anyway.

Y/N: Okay. Well...I just want to say that. I think you are the sweetest person I've ever met.

Tubbo: Thanks😊

Y/N: Yw. Anyway, I just wanted to say, you don't have to be embarassed about having a crush on me.

Tubbo: Oh. Thanks Y/N. You're very sweet.

Y/N: You are so welcome😊. Anyway. I wanted to tell you that I think that you are adorable, and I think I Iike you too.

Tubbo: Really?!

Y/N: Yeah. You seem like a really sweet person and I think you're cute too.

Tubbo: Y/N would you like to meet me and my friends at the beach tomorrow.

Y/N: Of course. I would love to.

Tubbo: Y/N

Y/N: Yes?

Tubbo: Do you maybe wanna go out with me? Like a girlfriend?

Y/N: Of course Tubbo!!! I thought you'd never ask.♥

Tubbo♥: Yayyyyy!!!

   You have never been so happy in your life.

*The next day*

"Hi, Tubbo,"  you say beaming ear to ear at him.

"Hi Y/N," says Tubbo happily. This will be your first day hanging out as a couple and you are so excited for it.

You walk to the beach across the way, and find Tubbo standing at the entrance waiting for you.

"Hi, Y/n," he says smiling at you.

"Hi, Tubbo," you smile a wide grin. He looks nervous, so to comfort him you grab hold of his hand. He grabs your hand back.

"Thanks," he smiles.

"For what?" you ask.

"Just thanks for taking up for me yesterday," he says. "You didn't have to do that for me."

"I wanted to," you explain. "I know what it feels like to have a crush on someone and people make fun of you for it."

"If you don't mind me asking," he says. "Would you like to take a stroll until my other friends get here."

"Of course," you smile. "I'd love to."

*A few minutes later*

Soon after the walk Tubbo's other friends arrive.

"You're with a woman!!!" yells Tommy, the blonde from the restaurant. "Tubbo, you're walking on the beach with a WOMAN!!!"

"Ummm...I guess so," he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Is there a problem with that?"

"Not at all," Tommy says smugly and walks away.

"Don't worry about him," Tubbo reassures you. "He just wants a girlfriend too."

"Don't tell her I'm single," yells Tommy.

"I didn't," Tubbo laughs. "You did."

A tall guy that you didn't recognize walks over. He looks way older than the rest of you guys, "Hi, I'm Wilbur."

"You must be Tommy's older brother," you say.

"Please don't say that," he laughs. "I will cry."

He walks away and you're greeted by Aimsey, "Hi, Y/N."

"Hi, Aimsey," you smile. 

Ranboo walks up behind Tubbo startling him, "Hi, Y/N."

Billzo is standing behind Aimsey and doesn't speak. He just stares at you intently, studying you.

"So...where are you from," Billzo asks, still not greeting you.

"America, but I moved here with my parents to come to college," you explain.

"That's so cool," exclaims Tubbo.

"Y'know Tubbo dropped out of college," says Billzo.

"Yeah, so I've heard," you sigh. "But, what about you?"

"What are you asking?" he asks.

"What have you done that makes you better than him?" you say.

"Nothing," he says. "Tubbo is my friend."

"Well..." you start. "Friend's don't try to put each other down or embarrass them in front of the person they like."

Billzo stood silently eyeing you down and then, finally, standing down, "You have my respect."

You nod and then notice everyone staring at you, "So are we gonna hang out or just stand here like a bunch of idiots."

Everyone starts laughing and you all enjoy the rest of your night with no problems, even Billzo remained well behaved through it all.

"Thanks again, Y/N, for standing up for me," whispers Tubbo as the two of you stargaze in the sand. 

"No problem," you smile at him. "I better get home, I have a major test tomorrow."

You stand up to leave, but before you get up completely you kiss Tubbo on his cheeck. His face flushes a bright red and then you leave waving goodbye to your new friends before you leave the entrance. 

You thought life couldn't get any better.

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now