Chapter 4 - Valentine's Day

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   The next day Tubbo calls to texts you.


Tubbo♥: Hi Y/N. Happy Valentine's Day!

Y/N: Hi. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Tubbo♥: Will you be my Valentine, Y/N? You don't have to say yes I just really wanted to ask you.

Y/N: Of course, I'll be your valentine Tubbo!!! I thought I was gonna be alone again.

Tubbo♥: Me too. I though I was gonna be stuck with streaming again. 

Y/N: You're a streamer?

Tubbo♥: Yeah, sorry I didn't mention it. I just don't really like to mention those types of things until I really care about a person.

Y/N: Awww. You care about me?

Tubbo♥: Of course. Why wouldn't I?

Y/N: Thank you.

Tubbo♥: Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Tubbo♥: Can I meet you somewhere I want to give you a gift.

Y/N: Of course!

Tubbo♥: Okay!!! I'll meet you at the beach across the way from your house in 5 to 10 minutes.

Y/N: Okay...I'll see you then!!!

*10 minutes later*

   You spot Tubbo walking into the beach before he spots you. You see that he has a bouquet of roses and a huge box in his hands. He's followed by Tommy who has a huge box with no cap on it. You figured being that it was Tommy he had probably lost the cap to the box on the way there.

   Once Tubbo walked over he spotted you, "Hi, Y/N," 

   "Hey," you smile. You pull a medium sized box from behind your back. 

   "What's that?" Tubbo asks.

   "Your gift," you say laughing.

   "I want you to open yours first,"

   He hands you the first box and you open it. Inside is a assortment of different chocolates. You give him a huge hug and smile. He pulls the other box from Tommy's hands and gives it to you. You look down into the box and squeal, "Oh my Gosh! Tubbo, you shouldn't have. How'd you know?"

   Inside was a small Labrador Retriever puppy. He was small and was balled up asleep in the corner of the box.

   "Everyone needs a companion," Tubbo just smiles. "He was the only one left in the kennel at the shop, so I bought him for you."

   "Thank you so much," you smile and hug him again kissing him on the cheek. He turns red and blushes.

   "Tubbo, you little simp!!!" Tommy yells.

   "Stop, I'm not a simp!" whines Tubbo blushing.

   "Hey, if he wants to be a simp..." you start. "He can be. He can be my cute little simp."

   Tommy frowns and then mutters, "Wish, I had a girlfriend."

   You hand Tubbo his present. He opens it to see a white hoodie that says Super Dry on it.

   "It's awesome, Y/N," he says. "Where'd you find this?"

   "My dad had got it for me for one of my birthday last year, but I thought you'd really like it, and since I never wore it I thought you could have it."

   "I'll keep it forever," smiles Tubbo. "What are you gonna name him?"


   "What are you gonna name the puppy?"

  "I think I'm gonna name him Bee," you smile.

  "Oh my gosh, I love bees!" 

  "Thank you so much for the gifts," you smile. " you, maybe, want to come over to my place?"

   "Sure," Tubbo says. "I'll catch up with you later Tommy."

   Tommy sighs and walks away. You and Tubbo walk to your house and ypou welcome him inside.

   He sits down on the sofa and while yo go and open a pack of Valentine cookies you had bought. You walk over to the sofa and sit down next to Tubbo, "Wanna watch a movie?"

   "Sure," he smiles. 

   "What should we watch?"

   "Maybe a romance movie,"

   "Twilight!" you both say in unison. You two laugh and you open Netflix on your TV to watch it.

   After the second movie you fall asleep on Tubbo's chest. He looks at you and smiles. You look so peaceful and he doesn't want to wake you. He slowly goes to your room and grabs a blanket. He covers you and then finds a sticky note and write a small note, "Had to get home before Tommy had a fit. Thanks for being so kind to me. Talk to you later. Love you."

   He looks at the message and nods. Then he quietly opens the door and leaves.

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now