Chapter 10 - Television Heartbreak

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I woke up the next morning with my head on Tommy's shoulder. His head was now leaning against the back of the bench in an uncomfortable position. He was still asleep. I stood up and stretched. It was now morning time. I went to check the time on my phone. 9:45 am. I decided to wake up Tommy, so at least he could get home.

I shook Tommy awake and he flinched and woke up. He rubbed his eyes and when he saw me he smiled, "What are you still doing, here?"



"You to wake up," I say rolling my eyes.

"Why?" he asks.

"Well, first off your head is like half of your body weight," I laugh. "But secondly because I didn't just want to leave you here thinking I stormed off." 

"Oh..." he smiles. "Thanks, Y/N."

"No problem," I say. "Hey, Tommy, now can you tell me why we were sitting here all night? I think it's pretty fair considering I slept in the freezing cold in just a t-shirt and a skirt. Also, I kinda don't want to get the wrong idea here."

He sighs and then tells me, "It was a date."

Your eyes widen in shock for a split second before falling back down to their original position like it never even happened, "Tommy, I think you're a really sweet guy and all, but-,"

"What are you talking about Y/N?" Tommy asks in complete confusion.

"You said this was a date," you responded.

"Not for me," he laughs. "For you and Tubbo."

"Oh!" you smile. "Then where is he?"

You begin looking around the clearing expecting to jump out and surprise you with a big hug, but nothing comes. Nothing came except silence. Tommy's head drops.

"Wait..." you say. Your smile dropped. "He's not here is he?"

"" he says quietly. "I...I don't think he showed."

"Oh," you say. "I better go. I have something important to do later and I need a little sleep."

"Okay," he smiles.

"Bye, Tommy." you smile. "See you around."

"See you around," he says back. You walk back through the clearing and back towards your apartment. When you enter you go straight to the bedroom, grab your clothes, and get in the shower. You let the heat of the water wash away the heartbreak. You stayed inside until the water ran cold.

After you finished your shower you hopped into the bed, but you knew you couldn't just sit there and do nothing. So you got up, went into the kitchen, and made a plate of assortments of snacks. It consisted of popcorn, different chocolates, dozens of different gummy candies and chewies, and more. Once you had your 'snack pack' you went back to the room and put your laptop on the charger.

You sit back down in the bed and flip up the lid of your laptop. On the lock screen sat a picture of you and Tubbo hugging that was taken during the vlog. His hands were wrapped around your waist and yours were around his shoulders. You two looked like the perfect couple.

You quickly typed in your password, you couldn't bear the sight anymore. When the computer opened you weren't too surprised to see that on the desktop sat another photo of you and Tubbo. Once again, seemingly the perfect couple. This one was taken by you. It was of you laying your head on his shoulder and his head was laid on yours. You both were smiling at the camera.

You remembered that day like it was yesterday.

"Hey, Y/N," smiles Tubbo as you open the door. It was two days after Valentine's Day and you had invited him over to hang out. He immediately agreed to the idea. So when you heard the knock ten minutes later you rushed to the door.

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now