Chapter 6 - Obstacles

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"So what are we doing?" you ask once everyone has arrived.

"Well, I'm glad you asked," says Tommy. "Today, we will be doing a vlog for my channel." 

"We know that, Tommy," says Wilbur rolling his eyes. "She means what are we doing for the vlog."

"I'm getting to it," Tommy answers. "Anyway, we are doing a trampoline park video."

"I though you already did one of those," says Wilbur.

"I did, but we didn't have all of these lovely beings then, did we?" says Tommy. "So I was thinking we combine some of my other vlog ideas. We are going to do a obstacle course in the trampoline park. So I got some people to set up for us and we are gonna take turns seeing who can complete them."

"That actually sounds pretty cool," you smile.

"The twist is there there will be four teams of two," says Tommy. "You get to pick who you wanna team with and whichever team wins gets 200 gifted subs from myself, and if my team wins the team in last place gives me 200 gifted subs."

"Sounds fair, what's the catch?" asks Ranboo.

"Catch? Whatever do you mean, dear Ranboo?" says Tommy. "I am a very honest man."

"You're sounding a little sus to me, Tommy," you respond. "There's definitely a catch, what is it?"

"You'll just have to find out when you get there," he smiles. 

A few minutes later you guys go to pick teams. Tubbo walks up to you and smiles, "Y/N, would you like to be my partner for the obstacle course?"

"Of course," I smile. "I thought you'd never ask."

He laughs a little and we walk over to the others who have just figured out their teams. Tommy walks towards the middle of the group, "Time to announce the teams. Give a big hand for Big Russ!!!"

Everyone hoots as a tall man wearing a cap walks into the circle as Tommy steps out. "Okay here are the teams.  Niki and Wilbur, Aimsey and Ranboo, Tommy and Freddy, and last, but certainly not least, our lovely couple, Tubbo and Y/N."

You and Tubbo both blush at the extravagant introduction.

After a trial of impossible courses the teams are lead to the final course. You notice that some of the workers are standing underneath a narrow trampoline with a chenille pit to catch you if you were to fall. You examine the course trying to piece your way through it. 

Big Russ once again walks in front of you four groups and starts telling the order the teams will go for the course. "First we will have Niki and Wilbur, followed by Aimsey and Ranboo, after will be Tommy and Freddy, and finally Tubbo and Y/N."

You were still piecing together the course. You had finally figured out how get through the course, but you were confused as to why the workers were underneath the trampoline. You look around for any other clues, but still couldn't figure it out.

After Big Russ finished his speech, he moved out of the way, "Wilbur, Niki, are you ready?"

"As ready as I can get," says Wilbur nervously.

"I guess," says Niki nervously.

Big Russ pulls out a small horn and blows it and the course begins. Niki and Wilbur are halfway across after balancing through the first half when the narrow strip starts shaking. Wilbur falls unexpectedly into the pit followed by Niki in quick pursuit. Big Russ blows the horn. Wilbur and Niki climb out of the pit with Tommy laugh manically.

"You could have at least have told us," says Wilbur laughing.

"What it have been as funny then?" asks Tommy.

"I guess not," says Wilbur rolling his eyes.

Next were Aimsey and Ranboo and after were Tommy and Freddy who made it farther than the two previous teams, but didn't fully complete it. Finally, it was you and Tubbo's turn. You were a little nervous. Tubbo seemed to notice and grabbed you hand, "We got this."

You both walk up to the starting line. You examine the narrow strip again and look for the tremor points so you can note them. Then you realized something. The staff were the trigger points. They were the ones shaking the plank. It was random selection you just had to take note where they were placed. You tried to memorize as much as you could.

"Ready?" asks Russ.

"Ready." you say determined.

"Ummm...yeah," says Tubbo nervously.

You lean over towards Tubbo and whisper, "Follow my lead."


"Just trust me," you say.

Big Russ blows the horn and you are the first one on the plank. You grab Tubbo's hand and slowly balance your way through. You look down and notice a staff underneath Tubbo about to shake. You quickly move further up and yank Tubbo right as the plank starts to shake.

Tubbo looks up at you with shock, "How'd you-"

"No time to talk," you say in concentration. "I'll explain later."

After a couple more tremors you and Tubbo are at the final part. You look down and notice a dozen staff underneath. No space between them. You realize you both are gonna have to run for it, "Get ready to run."

"Why?" asks Tubbo.

You take one step and the whole end of it shakes. You grip Tubbo harder and run across dragging him in pursuit. Tubbo slips, but since you're gripping his hand he doesn't fall in. The plank is still shaking violently and you feel yourself losing balance. You use all your strength and pull Tubbo up almost tumbling off in the process. Once Tubbo is back on the plank you help him up. The plank is still shaking violently urging you to fall off. You help Tubbo off and push him in front of you.


He follows your directions and runs straight forward. You quickly follow and you both reach the end of the course. Once you reach the end, Tubbo pulls you into a tight hug, "We did it!!!"

The other teams run over.

"That was awesome!!!" yells Freddie.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N, that was incredible," Niki cheers.

"Agreed," Ranboo smiles.

"Congrats!" Aimsey says hugging you.

"How the hell did you do that?!" yells Tommy. "You are like a fucking genius!!!"

"Teach me your ways," says Wilbur laughing.

Big Russ walks in the middle, "Well, I think it's clear who the winner of this competition is. Congratulations to Tubbo and Y/N!!! The winner of our extreme obstacle course. Also, since Y/N doesn't have a Twitch channel, Tubbo will be receiving her subs. He will be gifted 400 subs as per Tommyinnit's prize instructions."

Tubbo's eyes go wide in shock and then he looks over at you. He quickly grabs you into a tight hug and spins you around, "Thank you so much, Y/N!"

"You are so welcome, Tubbo," you smile.


I am so sorry for the late update. I have been very busy, but I promise I will always try to update when I can.

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