Chapter 9 - Perfect Date

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Tommy texted you a few nights later asking if you could meet him at the place you told him about. You were confused as to why he was asking you to meet him, but you assumed for the best considering he was Tubbo's best friend. If Tubbo trusts him then of course you should trust him too.

So you quickly get dressed in a black shirt with a red rose engulfed in blue flames in the center. You reach into your dresser and grab a skirt from the top. It was the same color as the red rose on your shirt. Last, you grabbed your shoes. They weren't anything fancy, but just enough to get you where you needed to go. You walked out and made your way to the park. You spot Tommy standing by the entrance to the wooden area.

He was wearing a black suit and tie, "What the hell, Tommy!"

He looks up making eye contact with me, "Hey, Y/N!"

"Hey, Tommy," You say nervously. "Ummm...what's going on?"

"It's a surprise," he says.

"Why are you wearing a suit?"

Tommy just shrugs his shoulders and starts walking.

"Tommy, what's going on?" You ask again.

Tommy continues walking. You run after him, but decide to stop, "Answer me, or I'm not moving."

"Y/N, I can't," he says. "I promise you'll understand when we get there."

"Tommy, I swear to god," you mutter. "If this is a fucking joke."

"It's not a promise," he says. "Now, please come on."

You guys soon enter the clearing. Your spot has been decorated with white fairy lights hanging down from the branches. The small gazebo that always was bare was now also decked out with white fairy lights to complement the trees. It was beautiful. You were stunned.

 You were stunned

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You walked into the gazebo and the table was set up with different platters of desserts and foods

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You walked into the gazebo and the table was set up with different platters of desserts and foods. I turn around and run up to Tommy, "Did you do this?"

"Do you like it?" he asks.

"I love it," 


"Really," you smile. "It's amazing. How long did this take you?"

"Not long," he smiles. I ran up to Tommy and hugged him.

"Thank you," I smile.

"Welcome," he smiles. He walks over to the gazebo and you follow. He pulls back the chair gesturing for you to sit. You sit down and he sits in front of you. He keeps glancing down at his watch.

"So..." you ask him.

"Oh, sorry," he says. He looks up from his watch and smiles at you. Soon after you and Tommy have struck up a conversation. Getting to know each other more.

"Once Wilbur took me to see the sun setting. Very pog. I thought it was the prettiest thing ever, you know the way that the sunset hits the sky. Pretty interesting, you should see it sometime." Tommy says. "Maybe I could bring you some time. If you don't mind?"

"Of course not," you smile.

"Any interesting things you've ever seen?" asks Tommy.

"I did see a pretty jaw-dropping thing today," you laugh.

"Really?!" asks Tommy.

"Yes, you in a freaking suit," you laugh. "That is the most shocking unexpected thing in history."

"Hey, I've worn a suit before," he laughs. "I'll have you know...all the ladies were staring."

"Yeah, whatever," you continue to laugh throughout the night. Tommy continued to keep an eye on his watch.

"What was all of this for anyway?" you ask.

"I'm pretty sure, I'm still not allowed to give out that information, yet," says Tommy.

"Fine," you pout.

Tommy's POV

It's midnight and still no Tubbo. I could tell Y/N was getting restless. We ended up eating all the desserts while waiting for him to arrive. Why was he late? After a while, I noticed Y/N had fallen asleep. She had her head lying on my shoulder, she was slightly snoring, and her brown hair was falling into her eye.

Tubbo was still a no-show. Where was he? I realized I was getting tired the longer I sat there. It was 12:15. Still no Tubbo? I watched as the time went by, that is, until my eyes started to drop. Maybe a little sleep wouldn't hurt, would it? I leaned my head down and fell asleep immediately.

Tubbo's POV

I was late.

I knew I was late.

What was I gonna do?

Y/N was probably waiting for me and I was late.

I let her down.

I tried to dial Tommy to tell him to cancel, but there was no answer. They must have already left. Tommy is probably asleep in his bed by now. He's probably mad at me for not showing. How was I gonna explain this to Y/N? I probably hurt her feelings.

Wait, what if they were still waiting. What if Tommy left and expected me to come shortly after? What if she thinks I stood her up?

I had to go there. I had to apologize. I might still have time. I quickly straightened up my suit to make it look a little more presentable. I was late because I overslept. I was trying to get some sleep because I knew we would be out late, but I messed up.

I walked out of the house. The cold air blasted me upon impact. I make my way towards the location Tommy said they would be. I follow the path into a small opening. There sat in the opening was a gazebo. It was decorated with white fairy lights and the lights also hung from the limbs of the tree above.

It was beautiful. Tommy went out of his way to do this and I messed it up. The place seemed deserted. It was quiet. I considered the thought that they left, but I noticed the plates still on the bench of the gazebo.

I slowly make my way over, but soon stop mid-way. Sitting on the bench fast asleep were seated Tommy and a girl. That girl...Y/N. Her head was lying on his shoulder and his head was lying on hers. This was my fault. If I would have set the alarm to the right time this never would have happened. I would have been here. That would be me lying with my head on hers, not Tommy.

I couldn't bear the sight anymore, so I did the only thing I could. I went back home. I went back home, curled up in bed, and let the tears come.

{Created: May 15, 2022}

[Published: May 16, 2022]

Word count: 1079 words

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