Chapter 12 - Meant to Be

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You woke up to a loud knock. You were lying on the couch covered in snacks. You concluded that you had fallen asleep while watching the movie. You were looking around trying to find the source of the knocking. Then you realize it was the front door.

"Who's knocking at my door at this time?" you ask yourself as you walk over to the door. You look out the peephole of the door and to your dismay see a familiar face. You quickly open the door completely forgetting about your mess in the living area.

"Y/N," he smiles.

"Yes?" you ask him.

"Y/N, I'm sorry about being late for our date," he says.

"You mean not showing up to our date," you object.

"Y/N, I came," he says.

"No, you didn't," you argue. "I waited all night for you, but you never came."

"Y/N, when I came you were asleep," he says. "You were asleep...with...with Tommy. You were asleep with my best friend."

"Tubbo, it wasn't what it looked like and you know that," You say immediately. You completely let the late date night mishap slip away.

"Just because it wasn't meant that way doesn't mean it didn't look that way," he whispers.

"Tubbo, you're my boyfriend," you say. "Not Tommy or anyone else. Toby Smith is my boyfriend. You are my boyfriend. No one can change that."

"Then why?" he asks.

"Tubbo, I got tired," You say. "I didn't mean it in that way. I got tired and layed my head on his shoulder. I'm not going to lie to you and say I didn't put my head on his shoulder because I did. I did it because friends do that too, but if you want that to be just a me and you thing I won't do it again. I promise."

"Y/N," he whispers. "You don't have to do that. I jumped to conclusions and thought of the worst. I am so sorry."

"Tubbo, I shouldn't have made you have made you feel that way in the first place," you say. "I guess I'm a horrible girlfriend."

"Well, I guess I am too," he says, then his eyes go wide as he realizes his previous statement. "Boyfriend. I mean I'm a horrible boyfriend."

"I know what you meant Tubbo," you smile. "I guess we can be horrible partners together."

"Yea, I guess so," he smiles. "Thank you, Y/N. For forgiving me."

"No, thank you, for forgiving me," you say. "I'm the one who slept with your best friend."

Tubbo's eyes go wide, "No. I meant like on the bench, definitely not like that. Not with Tommy. He's definitely still a virgin."

Tubbo laughs, "Y/N, I know what you meant. I just wanted to see your reaction. It's only fair since you got me."

You both share a laugh. You were glad that Tubbo wasn't upset with you or Tommy. You were mostly glad he wasn't mad at Tommy. You didn't want to be the reason that their friendship ended. Tubbo grabbed you and pulled you into a big hug.

{Created: May 19, 2022, at 10:54 am}

[Published: May 20, 2022 at 6:15 am]

Word count: 506 words

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now