Chapter 2 - Meeting Again

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   You were walking to a shop the next day to shop for some clothes. While you're there you walk into the coffee shop next door to get a bite to eat. You notice a familiar boy sitting at the back table with his friends. and a couple other new people.
   When he notices you he smiles and nods to you, gesturing for you to come over.

   "Hi," you smile. "Funny running into you again."

   "Yeah," he smiles. "We were just grabbing a bite to eat before going to do today's work."

   "WHO IS THAT, TUBBO!!!" yells the blonde, from the day before.

   "My new friend," says Tubbo. He looks over to you and you smile.

   "Hi, I'm (Y/N)," you smile. "You must be Tommy."

   "The woman knows my name!" yells Tommy.

   "Yeah," says the boy again. "I'm Toby, but you can call me Tubbo. The tall one is Ranboo, the girl is Aimsey, and the other guy is Billzo."

   "Nice to meet you," says the girl named Aimsey. She has a very firm British accent.

   "Nice to meet you too," you smile back at her.

   Billzo looks over at you. He smiles and says, "You must be Tubbo's crush."

   Tubbo looks at him quickly and looks back at you, "I'm sorry."

   "You're fine, I've never been anyone's crush before," you confess. "Do you mind if I join you?"

   "Of course not, " says Tubbo quickly, then he blushes. "I mean of course you can join us."

   "Thanks," you pull a chair over next to Tubbo and he blushes a little more. Making his face red.

   Tommy bursts in laughter, "Tubbo, you little simp!"

   Tubbo looks down and you look over at him, "Hey, leave him alone. It's okay to have a little crush on someone."

   "So it doesn't like...make you uncomfortable," says Tubbo. "I mean we just met yesterday."

   "I mean, you seem really sweet and gentle," you smile. "I really like you."

   "Really?" he blushes.

   "Yeah," you smile wider.

Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now