Chapter 5 - Love You

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   Love you. 

   That's all you loved about that letter when you woke up the next morning. You didn't care about his excuse for leaving. All you cared about was that he loved you, or at least that's what the note said.

   You smiled as you got dressed in the mirror and planned a day for you and Tubbo to hang out. You kinda liked calling him Tubbo. It was a cute nickname. 

   You walked to the kitchen and made a quick breakfast of toast and eggs. As you were making breakfast, Bee walked in. He barked and wagged his tail. You went to your pantry and pulled a couple dog treats to settle him until you could buy some dog food for him today. After he finished he hopped up. He wanted you to hold him.

   "Bee," you smile. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"

   Bee wagged his tail faster. You picked him up and hugged him. He licks your face and you giggle. Soon, there is a knock on the door.

   "Who is it?" you yell. You walk to the door and look in the peephole. Tubbo was standing at the door. You quickly open it and hug him.

   "Hi," he smiles.

   "Hi," you smile back.

   "I just came over to say I'm sorry for that awfully poorly written letter," Tubbo says.

   "It's fine," you say back. He gives you a shy smile. You quickly give him a peck on the check. His face turns bloodshot red.

   "Well...ummm..." Tubbo stutters. "I just came to see if you wanted to join me and the others to go to the park for one of Tommy's vlogs."

   "Sure, that'd be cool," you smile. "I'll go get dressed."

   You rush upstairs and pick out this outfit:

   When you walk back downstairs, Tubbo is standing at the bottom, "You look really pretty, Y/N

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   When you walk back downstairs, Tubbo is standing at the bottom, "You look really pretty, Y/N."

   "Thank you, Tubbo," you smile.

   "You're welcome," he smiles. You walk out with Tubbo and make sure to grab your keys to your mom's place. 

   "I like your hair," he smiles. You hadn't really done anything to it. You had just brushed out your waves, but if he liked it....

   While you and Tubbo were walking to the park you went inside of a donut shop

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   While you and Tubbo were walking to the park you went inside of a donut shop. You two walked into the shop and spotted Tommy and Wilbur inside.

   "Hey guys, we were just on our way," Tubbo smiles. "What a coincidence."

   "You're bringing your girlfriend?" asks Tommy.

   "Yeah, if that's okay with you," you smile.

   "Of course, did you bring Bee?" asks Tommy.

   " he's at home," you say. "Which, by the way, I need to buy some dog food."

   "I'll get it for you, don't worry about it," smiles Tubbo.

   "Thanks," you smile wider.

   "Young love," laughs Tommy.

   "Oh, shut up, Tommy," says Tubbo. "I'm literally older than you."

   "By only four months," Tommy says. "FOUR MONTHS!!!"

   Tommy storms back over to the counter and gets in line. Wilbur walks over to you and Tubbo and smiles, "Hey, Tubbo."

   "Hey, Will," Tubbo says.

   "You're Y/N, right?" asks Wilbur.

   "Yeah..." you hesitate. He was really tall. Like way tall. He seemed intimidating. Tubbo noticed your reaction because he grabbed your hand gently and held it in his.

   "Sorry, I didn't mean to intimidate you," Wilbur says. "I'm actually a pretty nice guy. Ignoring the height."

   You laugh at his little comment and walk over to the counter to get donuts. Tommy orders his first getting chocolate with sprinkles. You and Wilbur get plain chocolate with creme filling, and  Tubbo gets a plain chocolate and a coffee.

   "You're such an adult," you laugh. Tubbo laughs at your joke and then the four of you walk to the park. You guys are met by Ranboo, Aimsey, and another female.

   "Hi, I'm Nihuachu, but you can call me Niki," she smiles. "You must be Y/N. Tubbo talks about you a lot."

   "Yeah, I'm Y/N," you smile. "It's nice to meet you Niki."

    You go in for a handshake, but she pulls you into a hug. It was a nice gentle hug and you could stay in it forever, but she let go.

   "I can already tell you're gonna be my new sister," she smiles. You smile back and then hug her again. You move on to go say hi to Aimsey and Ranboo. 

   "Hi," you smile at Aimsey.

   "Hey," she says back. She seemed concentrated on her phone in her hand, but she looks up at you and smiles. You smile back and walk over to Ranboo.

   "Hi. Ranboo," you smile.

   "Hi," he smiles. "I have a question."

   "Fire away," you say.

   "How are things with you and Tubbo?" Ranboo asks. "Is he feeling better? He was a little nervous at first. I just want to make sure he's okay."

   "Of course," you smile. "He's perfectly fine."

   "Thank you for making him happy," he says.

   "You're absolutely welcome," I smile and walk back over to the group.


Bee Boi (Tubbo x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now