Feed the Birds: Logicality

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Summary: Patton sings Logan a lullaby

Warnings: implied smut

it was past eleven at night in the mind palace, there was frantic energy signifying that both Logan and roman were still working tirelessly on another project. neither of them had slept in over forty hours and the others were also being affected. Virgil was more on edge, Patton was worried that the two weren't letting their host rest enough. so Patton enlisted Virgil's help getting the two to wind down. " I'm going to talk to Logan, can you check on roman?" Virgil nodded " yeah, I got sir sing a lot."

they parted ways in the hall. at one end Patton knocked on the door, no one answered but he could hear Logan inside so he let himself in. as predicted, Logan was at his desk. the table lamp was on and his desk was littered with papers, more were crumpled up on the floor and in his wastebasket. " hey lo, don't you think its time for you to finish up for the night?" the teacher looked up, as if only now registering pattons presence. he wasn't wearing his tie and his hair was a bit ruffled. " oh, Patton, I didn't see you there. I cant, roman and I need to finish this script for the latest episode, and-" " you guys have been working hard and that's great, but it's almost midnight. the work will still be there tomorrow." "I can stop and let roman say he did more of the work than me, you know how he gets if he thinks someone is slacking." " Virgil's over with him right now getting him to take a break. It's time to stop working." Logan sighed running a hand through his hair. " I'm too wired up to just stop, my brain is in full work mode." Patton smiled "I have an idea, go get in bed." Logan eyed Patton suspiciously but complied. he got ready for bed, changed into pajamas, and sat with his head against the headboard. Patton sat on the edge and began to sing softly,

early each day to the steps of saint pauls, the little old bird woman comes

in her own special way to the people she calls, "come by my bags full of crumbs"

come feed the little birds show them you care, and you'll be glad if you do,

the young ones are hungry, their nests are so bare, all it takes is tuppence from you"

Logan had moved down in the bed, still watching Patton as he started the chorus

"feed the birds, tuppence a bag. tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag

feed the birds, that's what she cries, While overhead, her birds fill the skies

all around the cathedral, all the saints and apostles, look down as she sells her wares

although you can't see it, you know they are smiling, each time someone shows that he cares."

Logan's eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. Patton gently pulls off his glasses and sets them on the bedside table

"Though her words are simple and few, listen, listen, she's calling to you. feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence, tuppence, tuppence a bag"

Patton turned off the lamp and slowly shut Logan's door after he left. " just got Logan to sleep." he said as he walked downstairs where he found Virgil and roman sitting on the couch, both of them looking a bit disheveled " so what are you two doing?" they glanced at each other and both said " nothing"

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