Valentines Day- part 1

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Summary: the sides go on a scavenger hunt for valentines day

February 7th. exactly one week before valentines day. Virgil paced back and forth in his room, his anxiety skyrocketing, but for once it wasn't related to his job as Thomas's anxiety, Thomas may still feel a little uneasy from virgils late-night rustlings but Virgil couldn't care at the moment. he had been a part of the " light" side for two years now. and if theirs one thing Virgil learned about them, it was they took celebrating the holidays seriously.

living with the others, the days just drifted by with no real acknowledgment of the day special or not, but now, his now friends, Patton especially, dragged him along and while sometimes he pretended not to enjoy the festive times, deep down, he enjoyed just being included.

but lately, Virgil had been thinking about how in the others had gifted him with many things in the past, Christmas's, birthdays, in Patton's case he'd sometimes just come by with a random squish-mallow to add to his collection ( that Patton himself started for Virgil) " just because" he'd explain.

so Virgil had had enough of not reciprocating beyond the minimum. he wanted to do something special for his three friends. at times like this, he wished he had just a portion of Romans creativity. he had ideas of the gifts themselves for Logan, roman, and Patton. but he had an idea of how to make the day an unforgettable experience.

( one week later- no pov)

Patton woke up happier than usual, he leaped out of his bed, still in his pajamas to his wall calendar, today's date was filled in with a small pink heart filling the square. something poking in from under his door caught his eye and he bent down to pick it up. it was a square envelope with his name on it. he grinned wider- his first valentines card! he ripped it open to find a heart-shaped card. opening it, he read the top of the card

" I've got a lot in store... gather your friends and ill tell you more." Patton was so excited that he had to stop and get dressed before rushing down the hall, quickly knocking on each of their doors while bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Logan emerged first, already dressed, albeit dressed casually, not wearing his tie, and wearing a t-shirt under his open button-down.

" Patton," he began "I understand you're excited about the holiday, but we haven't even had breakfast yet." Patton just waved his hand dismissively. roman and virgils doors opened then, Virgil groaned " really? i just fell asleep three hours ago."

" you need to straighten out your sleep schedule" roman threw his arm around Virgil's shoulder " ha! emo over here so gay, his sleep schedule cant be straight." Logan simply rolled his eyes as Virgil threw his arm off. " what's up pat?" he asked

"I got a card under my door this morning, it told me to get all of us together before reading the next part."

" well, we're here padre, read on!"

" this valentines day, I've assembled several steps that need to be done-

some riddles, some puzzles, all to give you a clue,

the reward will be a valentines gift for you!"

" oh, that's fun, like a scavenger hunt!" Logan nodded "I may be wrong but this sounds somewhat enjoyable. so what is the first clue?"

" every morning should begin here" Logan snapped his fingers

" the answers obviously the kitchen, because breakfast is the " most important meal of the day," he said using his fingers as air quotes.

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