Proud of your Side - Roman song-shot

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( based on the song from Aladdin. I changed the lyrics a bit to fit roman. )

roman stayed up late most nights working on projects, scripts, and other video ideas for Thomas. but lately, especially after recent events, roman was beginning to feel like he wasn't living up to the full of Thomas's potential. Thomas had made the choice to go to the wedding, technically on Romans "punishment" and pattons persuasions. but maybe Thomas in the end, chose to go because he felt like his creativity and passion were no longer good enough to get him the part.

so that led to roman up late. laying in his bed with several scrapbooks filled with all the performances Thomas had been in. playbills from community theatres alongside photos of Thomas dressed up as various characters. the memories of those simpler times made roman both nostalgic. but that warm feeling was replaced with bitter feelings he couldn't quite place. maybe Thomas didn't put himself out there on stage, because deep down, he wasn't proud of him anymore.

proud of your side

ill make you proud of your side

believe me bad as I've been tom, you're in for a pleasant surprise

I've wasted time, I've wasted me

so say im slow for my age, a late bloomer okay, ill agree

roman climbed out of bed, closing the books and then teleporting out of the room he ended up in his theatre, he sang as he walked up the aisle to the stage

that I've been one rotten side, some prince, some pride and some joy

but i'll get over these lousing up, messing up, screwing up times

you'll see man, now comes the better part

someones gonna make good, cross this stupid heart

make good and finally make you

proud of your side

he exited stage left and walked down a hallway that had several framed photos similar to the ones in his scrapbook, as well as some awards, his finger traced the frame of one of the pictures. he continued until he reached a door with a gold star with his name on it. he sighed as he pushed open the door and sat down at the vanity, the mirror's reflection stared him down as he sang

tell me that im just a louse and a loafer,

you won't get a fight here, no man

say im a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good

but that couldn't be all that I am

water flows under the bridge

let it pass, let it go

there's no good reason for you to believe me

not yet, I know, but

the chair fell back as he abruptly stood and made his way around the room, feeling more determined, believing the words he was singing, he would do better, try harder than he ever did before to make his hosts' dreams come true. he opened the large clear doors that led out onto a balcony

someday and soon,

ill make you proud of your side

though I can't make myself taller, smarter, more handsome, or wise

ill do my best what else can I do,

since I wasn't made perfect, but ill have to do

tom I will try to, try hard to make you

proud of your side

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