Masterpiece: Roceit

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This one-shot is based on the above tweet

Roman pulled at janus' caplet, making him follow the prince around the corner from the tour they were on with the rest of the sides, to wind up in a deserted corridor. Janus huffed as he readjusted his outfit. " roman, as much as I hate to miss logans lecture on Renascence art techniques, didn't Patton specifically say to stick together."

roman sighed, while he played with his collar. " but I'm bored!" he then raised his eyebrow at the snake " you wanna make out?" he suggested. Janus pulled Roman's hands in his and leaned forward slightly " silly roman.." he teased " there are signs everywhere explicitly saying not to touch the masterpieces" his smirk widened as Roman's face blushed and he stuttered something incoherent. Janus always enjoyed how flustered he was capable of making him.

" did you just make a pun Janus, really?" the side simply shrugged and pushed roman gently backward" but then again, I suppose someone has to be responsible for pinning the art to the wall."

Roman didn't hesitate that time, only pulling Janus to himself and latched his lips to his. they struggled to keep quiet as they found their way to a corner that was hopefully out of sight. " we. we need to get. back to the others." Janus tried to say between kisses. but roman didn't respond, only to move from his lips and down the human side of Janus's neck kissing and sucking lightly. " seriously roman..." he hissed

" yeah, seriously roman?" a voice echoed from someone standing at the entrance to the hall they were currently in.

" busted." Janus teased as he pulled away and once again fixed his cape. " not the time or place you two." Virgil said, his arms crossed over his chest. " I swear, it wasn't Romans fault," he said feigning innocence. Virgil rolled his eyes. " nope! don't wanna know, don't care. pat just sent me to find you, and I find you two sucking face. just fix yourselves before someone else decides to come join the search party.

when the three end up returning to the tour group, roman and Janus spent the whole time giving each other glances while remembering their rendezvous.

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