Stone Cold: ( analogical/logicality song-shot)

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Summary: Virgil and Logan are in a relationship. when Virgil falls hard, Logan falls for another 

( Warnings: unrequited love, heartbreak, Mention of suicide)

Virgil Hale wasn't always the way people see him today wearing dark clothes, emo makeup, and a sometimes hostile attitude., he was a normal boy. He was happy with his relationship with Logan Mitchell. He'd like to think of him as his boyfriend, though Logan never liked to put labels on anything. In fact, Logan always tried and convince Virgil that he didn't have feelings at all. So their relationship was strictly physical.At first, Virgil was all on board with the heated make-out sessions after school or staying up past midnight talking about everything and anything. But Virgil slowly began to change his view of Logan. He admired the little things that no one would care to notice, how he would mutter to himself while working out a particularly tough equation, or biting his lower lip as he read. Little things that Virgil loved.And so Virgil fell.But it wasn't a graceful fall, where the landing is soft into a pile of petals of acceptance. It was like falling into a deep hole he didn't know if it would end.He loved Logan, Logan claimed he didn't love. Of course, Logan liked Virgil. He sought out his company before. Requesting to spend the evening with him when he could easily have spent them alone.So Virgil wanted to come up with a plan to express how he felt. Of course, he wouldn't just blurt it out randomly for fear of scaring him away completely.

Prom. It was a month away but the cheerleaders were already selling tickets in the cafeteria. He bought two. Maybe if he asked Logan it would hint at the fact that he wanted more than a physical relationship.Two weeks later, Virgil sat at a table at lunch, anxious for Logan to arrive so he could ask him to prom.He gripped the two tickets in his pocket as he spotted Logan approach, but oddly, he didn't have food with him, just a bottle of water. " aren't you going to eat with me?" Virgil asked." I'm sorry, my lab partner has asked me to assist him in researching a subject for a history report, but I wanted to come to tell you something first." He sat down. Virgil started to worry." I've been dating Patton for three weeks now. I know we've had our relationship for a while but something inside me just feels very strongly for him.He asked me to be his prom date and I've accepted." Virgil was very still as to not give Logan any reaction

"Several couples are renting a limousine to attend prom too. You're more than welcome to join us if you're interested." He said as he stood. Along with Virgil's heart, he crumpled up the tickets." I'm not much of a dancing guy. I didn't think you'd be either."Logan nodded " well, people change. I just wanted to make sure you'll be okay." Virgil swallowed the lump forming in his throat " no I'll be fine. You two have fun, say hi to Patton for me" he said looking away. " I shall. Goodbye Virgil."Then he left.Virgil ended up getting refunds for his extra ticket, it being too expensive to just throw away. The younger student at the table took pity on his story.//////

The night of prom though, Virgil wore a purple dress shirt with jeans and a black-tie loosely tied around his neck. He arrived early and waited at a table in the corner so he wouldn't be easily noticed. He put his earbuds in and pressed shuffle not really listening to the songs.He watched as he saw Logan arrive with a group of students. He always wore a tie and a black button-down shirt. But tonight he wore a navy blue blazer over the ensemble. Standing next to him constantly must have been Patton. He never was officially introduced but from how upbeat and happy he seemed, maybe it was for the best. Virgil didn't realize he was glaring as he and Logan danced to the first slow song. Patton's head leaning on Logan's shoulder as they swayed back in forth among the sea of dancers. Virgil knew Logan hated dancing. He knew if they were here together, he probably would have given an excuse for why he couldn't or wouldn't dance with Virgil. Not that Virgil would have wanted to. A new song clicked on his phone and he stood up and quickly left the room, having seen enough of his ex's happiness

Stone cold, stone cold,

You see me standing but I'm dying on the floor.

Stone cold, stone cold.

Maybe if I don't cry I won't feel anymore

Virgil searched the halls, the lights mostly turned off the further he walked from the gym. He found an open classroom, took a piece of paper and a pen and started to write." Logan. I felt the need to tell you the truth. Lately, I had fallen for you. I wanted to tell you but, you claim to not have feelings. But then you go and dump me for Patton out of nowhere. That gave me a lot of feelings. Hurt, anger, confusion. I decided not to waste anymore time on sad.Long story short, don't bother trying to talk to me if you see me."

God knows I try to feel happy for you,

know that I am.

Even if I don't understand.

I wish I could mean this, so here's my goodbye.

I'm happy for you

- Virgil"

He folded it three times, more out of the building frustration and found Logan's locker, he pushed it through the slots.He left through the closest side door and got to his car and drove away

If happiness hurts,

if happiness hurts- I'm happy for you

Monday morning, Logan set his backpack on the ground as he dialed his locker combination and opened the door. A small piece of paper flipped out onto his shoe. Logan kept his locker immaculately clean, so he figured someone else must have pushed it through. He opened the paper and smoothed it out before reading. By every line, Logan got more and more concerned. He thrusted his bag into his locker and shut it, forgetting to retrieve the books for his morning classes and raced to homeroom, which he and Virgil had together. But as the bell rang and morning announcements played over the speakers, Virgil didn't show.He had second period with Patton- science. He explained the dilemma and Patton comforted his boyfriend as best he could.Virgil wasn't in fourth period either. Their only other class together. By lunch time Logan was considering going to the principal to see if he could go check on him, when an unfamiliar kid walked by and sat at the table Virgil always ate at. Logan stood and appraised his outfit- ripped black jeans, a faded purple shirt and a black checkered hoodie. He also seemed to be wearing eye-shadow under his eyes. Could that be?He approached the table " Virgil? Is that you?"Without bothering to look away from his food he replied " Logan,"Relief flooded his body and new tears began to fall. " I was so worried about you. When I read the note I thought something awful had happened" Virgil rolled his eyes before finally meeting Logan's. " no, I did not kill myself just because we broke up and I also said in the letter for you not to talk about it." "But Virgil, you could have said something, we could have talked about it." "Nope, but you were right. Feelings are worthless Logan. From now on, I'm stone cold."

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