Fireworks ( prinxiety)

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Summary: princey has a surprise for Virgil for the fourth of July

anxiety opened his door after hearing a rhythmic knocking on the other side. he opened it to see roman standing in the hallway, a pleased look on his face, which only made Virgil confused,

it was the fourth of July, Patton had dragged Logan away to the real world with Thomas when their host went to go view the fireworks. Virgil would have thought the prince would have gone too to take in the spectacle.

" roman? what are you doing here, i thought you went with the other guys."

roman shook his head " nope." he held his hand out, an invitation " ive been working on something and i wanted you to see it."

" i dont know..." he muttered while roman sighed " come on, small, dark and gloomy- wheres your sense of adventure?"

" pretty sure thats your job Mr. fanciful." having had enough, roman grabbed his wrist and transported them into the imagination. they ended up atop a large hill, looking over a dark sky, only starting to fill with stars. " whats going on? why'd you bring me to a field, roman?"

" you always sit out of this holiday every year, so i decided to fix that for you." he snapped his fingers and a blanket appeared below them in the grass and the two sat down.

" i dont know how you're gonna fix fireworks roman," Virgil said, feeling uneasy at the prospect of loud noise. but the first spark shot into the sky and Virgil winced, awaiting the explosion...

but he didn't hear a loud boom like expected. instead, at the explosion, he heard a single piano note, one that he was very familiar with. as more went up, more music played to black parade, and Virgil watched in awe and soon excitement.

roman watched as Virgil sung to several of the songs under his breath as he watched the colors bursting in the sky above them, finally, as the last lights fizzled down Virgil turned to roman, " you did this for me? just so i wouldn't be left out of the holiday?"

roman nodded as they stood and returned to the corridor of their rooms. " thanks, for tonight." Virgil gave him a shy smile,

roman was about to respond when Patton and Logan reappeared " there you two are, roman, Thomas requests your help with a project." the two sides sank into the real world to help their host, Patton turned to Virgil and asked " so how was your night kiddo?"

" perfect."

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