Secret sanders ( secret Santa)

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Summary: Thomas and his sides get together to celebrate the holidays.

it was a month before Christmas and Patton had requested everyone to come over to discuss their yearly Christmas party. this year Patton's turn to run the festivities. so they made an evening of it, ordering pizza and playing games life they often did, but later in the night, Patton stood before the eight of his closest friends, a hat in his hand. " okey- dokey! so since it's my turn to do Christmas, and I thought we'd stick with everyone bringing a dish to share for dinner, like usual. and as for the gifts..." he held the hat up in the air. " we're gonna do secret Santa!"

some nodded, a few like Virgil groaned. " you guys know the drill, you pick a name from the hat, if you get your own name you put it back and pick again. as for the actual gifts, there's a catch this year. It's got to be personal. and you can't go to anyone for help."

Patton made his way around the room starting with Thomas, then Virgil, Remy, Janus. Remus, who happened to be Romans brother, logan, roman, and emile. once he made his way back he took the remaining piece of paper from the hat, grinning. " and remember guys, no trading names or telling who you got. it takes the fun out of secret Santa."

fast forward to Christmas eve, the house was filled with their friends once again. many of them dressed up, Remus and roman argued when Remus showed up wearing a sweater with Romans face on it. " ugly sweaters are a thing right?" Virgil had laughed out loud and high-fived Remus. which made roman even more sullen. the Christmas tree was decorated with fun ornaments that were nowhere near matching. under the tree nine presents sat wrapped and waiting while they partied, Remy was on his third glass of his homemade espresso eggnog that he brought. Janus promised the party that he had supervised Remus every moment while he made his devilled eggs. though roman, Virgil and logan still refused to partake. roman tried to kiss several guests under the mistletoe, Remy was the only one who willingly partook. after the first wave of the party died down Patton called everyone to gather in the living room around the tree for presents.

" alrighty! firstly id like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! these parties are really my favorite part of the year. before I go getting too emotional ill explain how all this is gonna go." Patton pulled his phone out "I loaded everyone's names onto one of those random wheels. I'm gonna spin and whoever name comes up gets the first present. after they open it, they're gonna give their secret Santa recipient their gift and so on, everyone got it?"

everyone nodded or gave their agreements ao Patton spun the wheel on his phone " round and round it goes, where it lands... Roman! you're first up!" roman jumped up from his seat and pumped his fist in the air. " yes!" Patton handed roman a large rectangular package, he held it in his hands almost weighing it, " this feels like a book. Nerdy wolverine you shouldn't have." he said without amusement. everyone laughed except for logan. " how in the world did you guess that? there are seven other people that could have been from."

" but I was right wasn't I?" logan rolled his eyes " how about you open your present before complaining about it." he pointed.

" yeah roman, be nice, it's Christmas." Thomas pointed out. roman ripped through the paper. roman was right about it being a book. but his mouth was agape when he read the title aloud. " A History of Broadway" encyclopedia of broadway theatre through the ages." he ran his fingers over the cover looking up to logan then back to the book. " if I didn't know any better, id hug you right now!" the room erupted in laughs again. logan made his way over to roman " there is one more surprise. open the cover," roman did hastily and almost shrieked and dropped the book. he pulled the familiar glossy pamphlet from the book the yellow header with the words PLAYBILL stared back at him. " I took one of your plays that you wrote years ago and while I could not make it into a real play, I did the best I could to make it as authentic as I could. casting some of your favorite actors and actresses on appropriate roles, selecting musicians and even favored choreographers, that sort of thing, " Logan couldn't help but smile at how much roman seemed to love his gift. " okay, now you don't have a choice. come here!" he grabbed logan into a hug while the group cheered. " oh yeah, thank you. I love it." logan fixed his glasses "I had a feeling you might." he nodded as he sat in Romans' discarded seat. leaving roman in the middle.

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