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Remus had just left imagination, he was in the middle of creating another hideous creature. He was about to summon a saddle in order to give his creation a test ride when he felt something unusual, but not unfamiliar—the feeling of creative energy flowing into his body.

His eyes dilated, and he grinned wickedly as he felt his power grow. but he shook his head quickly. He didn't usually have access to the twins' full store of creative power.

Since Roman was Thomas's "good" creativity, he got a larger share, a steady and seemingly unlimited amount since he helped their host more often, creating stories, skits, and songs. Boring! And there were times when Thomas granted Roman access to all of their powers, launching them all into daydream mode. It was times like these when Remus was absolutely drained. not a single gruesome idea in sight.

'so why did he have these powers now?' Remus wondered. Surely there wasn't a reason for thomathy to grant him nightmare mode at four o'clock in the evening.  while it would be the easiest thing to ignore the feeling in the  pit of his stomach and rage havoc with his mistaken power, he needed to know what was going on. Remus rolled his eyes and with a huff, went to check on his brother.

He could hear the echoed voices of Thomas, Patton, and, oddly, Deceit around him. Roman materialized not too far from Remus, and he did not look happy.

Their eyes met briefly, but Roman pushed past Remus on his way to his side of the mindscape, his room. the door opened and slammed shut.  glancing to the ceiling at where Roman just came from, he bounded to Roman's room and threw open the door, not bothering to knock.

Roman's room, like the rest of the sides, mimicked Thomas's living room at the moment. but there were hundreds of pictures of famous actors Thomas loved and admired, as well as photos of his fellow sides. a desk in the corner held stacks of papers, scripts Roman spent hours upon hours writing and editing and throwing away when he felt they weren't worthy,

Roman sat at the desk now, his right hand holding his head up and he was scribbling something with the other.

"I am not in the mood for any of your antics today, Remus!" he spat harshly. the dark side simply blew a raspberry at him. " too bad, because I had a doozy waiting for ya." he cackled.

Remus walked around the desk, peering over his shoulder to see Roman coloring on an iPad. a color-by-number painting of a knight fighting a dragon.

"well?" he asked with his hand on his hips.  "what gives? I was just hit with more creative power than a nuclear plant during a meltdown. Usually, I have to steal yours during the night."

Roman simply shrugged. His lack of response only angered Remus more, He summoned his morning star, holding it high. " Alright.  Who do I have to kill? cause im the only one who gets to make you miserable around here."

Roman groaned and sat back in his desk chair "Go ask 'Jan-us' he said in a mocking tone. Remus' eyebrows rose. " so, he finally did it." he said, sounding a bit disappointed. Remus was aware of the current drama floating around his hosts' mind, but he usually kept himself too busy to care much,

"Have you considered that this is your fault?" he said, crossing his puffy-sleeved arms. Roman's head whipped around, and he glared at his brother.

"Why the hell would you say that? How is any of this my fault!" 

"You sent him to that wedding. In the end, it was your call. your decision.  but you would rather put tomma-lomma ding dong through the emotional ringer instead of admitting that Janny was right."  " you better be careful with your pride, brother o' mine. or you'll end up like me, or worse." He grinned evilly. 

Before Roman could ask for clarification, there was a loud roar echoing from down the hall. "What the hell was that?" Roman asked. remus grinned wide "Why dont you grab your sword and come see for yourself? I may not be able to make you feel better, but it'll take your mind off all this." Roman gave him a small smile and said, " Thanks. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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