Fander corner: Spectral Heart #1

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( Song parody: Micheal in the bathroom)

I am hiding in the corner at the biggest trial of the fall

I could stay right here, or disappear

and nobody'd even notice at all

I'm a creeper in a corner, cause a snake showed up to impersonate

and I wonder if it would be for the best if he simply were to take my place

everything felt fine when I was part of a team

but through no fault of mine, I've no chance to be redeemed

now I'm just

logan in the corner, logan in the corner at a trial

I'm on the bench again

logan in the corner, logan in the corner at a trial

does no one care for the brain?

I'm waiting it out till they'll listen to me

I'm taking down notes that they'll never read

I'm just logan the outdated,

logan the least favorite

logan in the corner by himself

I am listening, but you aren't, you've just benched me in the hopes ill shut up

arguments exchanged

objections to be made

but at no point will you call me back up

and I'm hearing a name

" Max Stirner" information that I knew

"I know, I know, please please pick me!"

but my feelings sink

cause it makes me think

i won't get to speak again until the videos through

now it's just

logan in the corner,

logan in the corner at a trial

I'm more than logic you see

logan in the corner

logan in the corner at a trial

if you'd just cared about me

ill wait as long as I need till I'm needed for once

id love to intercede but I'm stuck playing the dunce

I'm just logan the outdated,

logan the least favorite

logan in the corner by himself!

( back, forth, back, forth)

they're gonna start to shout soon

( back, forth, back, forth)

I wish they'd let me out soon

( back, forth, back, forth)

it sucks you left me here alone

( back, forth, back, forth)

here in this justice battlezone

( shout! shout! shout! shout!)

I feel the pressure blowing up

( doubt! doubt! doubt! doubt!)

my big mistake, not showing up

( crash! crash! crash! crash!)

the gavel knocks against the wood

and that's the end of the falsehood

I go to rise up by the stair

but there's already someone there

and I can't help but yearn,

for a part in my own show

and I look all around, and I can't hear a sound

not a voice calls out " don't go"

... at a trial

is there a sadder sight than


logan in the corner at a trial

no, its quite all right

ill just keep my mouth closed

and I'll fade away

no need to stick around if I can't participate

I'm just logan in the backseat

cause they'd sooner just trust deceit

there for exposition- that's his only position

logan the outdated- logan the least favorite

logan in the corner by himself

All by himself

All by himself

you don't even know that liars name

but somehow you prefer him all the same

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