Feed the Birds II: Prinxiety

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Summary: what happens when Virgil tries to make roman take a break ( sequel to Feed the birds)

warnings: (18+, smut, light bondage, moody sort of dom! roman)

a/n: this is my first smut that I've published. hope it's not awkward

( previously on sander's sides...)

It was past eleven at night in the mind palace, there was A frantic energy buzzing through the space, signifying that roman and logan were still tirelessly working on another project. neither of them had slept in over forty hours and the others were beginning to be affected as well. Virgil was even more on edge, and Patton was more concerned that the two weren't letting their host get enough rest as well, so Patton enlisted Virgil help to help their two friends wind down for the night. " I'm going to talk to logan, can you check on roman?" Virgil nodded " sure, ill handle sir sing- a lot."

Virgil headed down the hall to Romans room, he watched Patton let himself into logans room, closing the door behind him, Virgil studied the door for a moment, the normal wooden door was painted white with the frame a bright red, each side decorated the door to their room, Romans is covered in polaroid pictures of all of them that had been taken over the years. he mentally shook his head when he spotted one of the pair of them, roman had snuck up behind him and kissed his cheek as Patton snapped the photo. Virgil smirked as he plucked the photo off the door and tucked it into his hoodie.Not bothering to knock, Virgil opened the door and let it shut behind him. as expected, roman sat at his desk on one side of the room, hunched over a stack of pages of a script. he mumbled to himself occasionally. Virgil crossed the room and perched himself on the prince's bed and continued to watch him work while he came up with an idea. his hands idly ran over the soft sheets of the unmade bed and Virgil chuckled quietly to himself.roman straightened up in his chair and swiveled around, having to have heard Virgil, " oh, I didn't hear you come in."" yeah, well you looked busy, I didn't want to interrupt you just yet." he said with a shrugroman turned his head to the side to stretch his neck, " well, you did, was there a reason, or did you just come to watch my excellence at work." he boasted. " I never interrupted you, I was just sitting here minding my own business, you merely noticed " he teased." I heard you laughing. that's an interruption... whatever, I'm wasting time with this, I have to get back to work" he started to swivel back to face his desk when Virgil's foot halted his chair from turning all the way." fine, Patton sent me. you and logan need to give it a rest. its midnight. Thomas isn't gonna get any sleep because of you two and you know how I hate it when someone else goes my job for me." he joked. " he'll be fine. Thomas has stayed up later than this, besides I was in the zone." he turned back to his work and left Virgil standing behind him. he glanced back to the bed behind him, and came up with a new idea. he slowly ran his hands along Romans' shoulders and around his back and neck in a sort of massage. while he and roman have been together a few times before, Virgil was never the one to initiate, because of the, well, anxiety, but now he was emboldened with the stubbornness of getting roman to relax by any means, so he kept going before his baser fear came back.Roman sounded a tad irritated when he asked " what are you doing, Virgil?" Virgil reached his hands over his shoulders running them down his upper torso. " helping you relax, princey, what does it feel like." his nails lightly dragged across his clothed shirt and roman stifled a mix of a moan and a groan, " it feels..." his breathing picking up pace " that you're distracting me from my work." Virgil had begun to pepper kisses along Romans cheek and down to his neck while Roman had been talking, he then pulled the chair back around and climbed into his lap, straddling his hip, " so what if I am? what. are you. going. to do about it?" he said breaking each of the words with another kiss against his skin.he pulled back slightly, breathing heavier now too, staring intoRomans now lust-blown pupils, almost daring him to take the next step. " oh, I'm gonna make you regret coming in here tonight." he said playfully before he attacked Virgil's mouth hungrily. his hands quickly found their way under his hoodie and pulled it down and off of him, Virgil hands gripped at the back of Roman's hair to maintain balance as he continued to rock his hips up against Romans, chasing the friction. roman spun them around slowly and then pulled Virgil away from him, pushing his back into the bed,roman stood and pulled off his white dress shirt " you're wearing too much. strip." he ordered. Virgil sat up a bit to pull the long purple shirt off, then wriggle out of his jeans, it was when he was about to push the boxers that hung off his hips roman batted his hand away. " that's enough. give me your hands." also in only his underwear, he knelt on the bed with his sash in hand and wrapped Virgil's wrists in the silky red material." so what now princey? roman ran his fingers along virgils lean torso, down to the hem of his boxers, he teased by dragging the elastic down on one side but ignoring the outline of virgils now hardened erection. Virgil groaned "what's wrong, my prince?"" t-touch me. please," he begged. roman walked his fingers back up to pinch his nipple, then the other " like that, love?" a whimper left his throat. " not funny roman, please?" he was squirming, trying to catch any friction he could. roman chuckled. " as you wish." he rested his hand on his hips momentarily " safeword?" Virgil stilled his movements as he thought. " Crofters," he said with a grin. roman laughed then lowered hisself to resume kissing. this kiss was deeper, less gentle. moans left both of them as roman reached behind and began palming Virgil through his boxers. the darker side gasped and groaned in pleasure. his tied hands wrapped their way over Romans' head. roman speed up a bit, feeling Virgil buck his hips. Roman's mouth traveled down virgils collar, sucking lightly. roman continued to tease Virgil, bringing him closer to his breaking point but suddenly pulled hands away, which caused him to groan. " no... why?" he cried. roman sat there straddling his hips, more to keep Virgil still. " if you think you can come stop my work and not be punished..." he tsked." that's. that's low, roman" he panted, still squirming on the bed. roman dipped to his face again " are you sorry?" Virgil nodded" what are you sorry for?" he asked, his finger tracing along the sides jaw. " for s-stopping you from working, for interrupting..."" hmm, good boy" he praised. he got off of virgils hip and finally stripped the last of his clothing off of him, then himself." so, would you care to continue?" he asked, rubbing virgils thigh. " stop teasing and fuck me, please!" roman laughed at the emos eagerness." do you need any prep?" he asked, slotting himself in between virgils thighs, the sider shook his head. " can't wait, I can handle it, please.." he moaned, roman lined himself up to virgils entrance and slowly pushed past the initial barrier. both of them groaned, virgils more a mix with a hiss as roman took his time filling him up. roman laid flush against the smaller ones flush body, kissing his forehead, then lips. " you good virge?" when having gotten confirmation, roman rose back up to grip his hips as he pulled out halfway before thrusting back in. he quickly built to an even, yet fast pace, Virgil let his tied hands brace against Romans toned chest as he ravaged his body. as they writhed in almost unison, virgils hips bucking to meet Romans every other time. the emo's cries of pleasure filling the room." ro- touch me please," he muttered. roman reached down with the hand not holding his hands above his head and wrapped it around virgils dick and began jerking it the same time to his thrusts, the mixture of pre-cum and sweat from their bodies creating enough slick to let it slide freely in his grip.roman growled lowly in his throat as he felt his climax beginning to build. he sped up his hand working on Virgil while histhrusts began to falter slightly. " god, virge- close." he spoke brokenly. Virgil might have answered along the same line but right then the coil in his gut snapped and he was over the edge. his thrusts broke and he stilled as he came, Virgil followed shortly after, painting his stomach with white.roman let himself pull out of Virgil and not as gracefully, fall on to mattress next to Virgil. the pair stayed like that for a moment or two, allowing themselves to come down from the high. Virgil heard shuffling and when he looked over, roman had gotten up and gone into the bathroom, returning with a large white washcloth. he knelt and began to clean Virgil up " if you untied me I could-" he shushed him " this is part of your punishment emo, letting me take care of you.." Virgil rolled his eyes. " sap." roman smiled " obviously,"after tossing the cloth in the sink, roman helped Virgil sit up and untied him. he began massaging his wrists to help the red marks made from their imprisonment disappear quickly " you okay? I wasn't too rough was I?" Virgil shook his head. " no. it was good. what about you? still, mad I stopped you from working?" roman kissed him "I was never truly mad... and I suppose there are worse ways to take a break."" so what do you wanna do now?" I think I need a post-workout snack. also, I didn't really eat dinner." Virgil climbed out of bed and began to gather his clothes, tossing his shirt to roman.downstairs, after consuming a peanut butter and crofters sandwich each, the pair were sitting on the couch, the tv turned on to a show neither were watching. " so did Patton really send you to seduce me in order to make me stop working?"" he just said ' go talk to roman' the seducing was my idea I guess." their conversation was halted as Patton came down the stairs mid-sentence " - got logan to sleep." Patton spotted them on the couch, " so what were are you guys up to?" he asked. roman and Virgil glanced at each other, suddenly panicked, and simultaneously said " nothing!"

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