Training on Dewford island

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An may has her wurmple and Brock also has his lotad just letting you know. So
after i won my Gym battle Ash wanted to train around the island for his Dewford gym battle rematch. Anyways so we were making our way to grandnite cave An idk how to spell that name. And May and Ash were fighting because May wanted me to go with her so she can do her contest in slateport and I get next gym battle way earlier than Ash. And Ash wanted me to stay with the group and help him train even tho brock is with us as well. Anyways. Ash and May were yelling at each other and Charmeleon went up to them and used flamethrower on there faces. And May and Ash got pissed and Ash and May start chasing Charmeleon and then Brock stops them saying guys Charmeleon was just playing around and they nod in understanding at Brock was saying. So a couple of minutes later we made to Granite Cave and we were looking around and we see a Pokemon called Aron and i say to the group alright guys i am going to catch it and all of them nod and saying you can do it and stuff so i bring out Charmeleon and she uses flamethrower on the aron and then flamethrower hits  i threw the pokeball and i got the aron. An so thats it so how do you think how Charmeleon should evolve later on tell me in the review okay

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