we got lost in a Forest

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An Ash won his gym battle and stuff so yeah now the group is going to the place where May's contest is. And lets just say our heros get lost. So we were all camping we have been doing for like half the day because we got lost. So Brock was cooking food and he gave me the map even tho Max has his Pokenav the thing died and lets just say all of us went nuts. And May went nuts even more because that means sleeping in a place where there are wild Pokemon everyone and they can kill you at night and stuff. But all crazy thoughts aside. I was looking at the Map and lets just say i gave to Brock two seconds later. But anyways tho i saw May alone in her thoughts and then i tap her on the shoulder and say to her thinking about Ash huh? And she puts up her hands and says what come on i am thinking about my next contest. And i raise a eyebrow at her and gave her a look that says are you sure about that. And then May says fine you got me i was thinking about Ash okay. And i say to her look i may not like this lovey dovey crap but i just love seeing people telling others there feelings for some reason idk why. And May says the only reason i am thinking about Ash is because he has been talking about a girl named misty remember? And I nod and say yeah but it seems like your jelly lol. And May says i am not and i roll my eyes. And then Charmeleon goes up to May and gives her a thumbs up. And I say see Charmeleon understands that your jelly lol. And then i left and then Ash went up to me and says whats with May? And I say she is just lost in her thoughts right now thinking about her next contest i said not tell the truth to Ash. And he walks off to train his Pokemon. And I gave May a wink. And she smiles. And then I fell to my knees cuz i felt numb and i say to myself no not this again why do i feel like this every waking day. And then i passed out. And then Riche saw me and he ran over to Brock and said BROCK and Brock says what and riche says Savanna passed out again and everyone was like WHAT so they all ran over to me. Charmeleon's pov so i saw my trainers friends picking her up because she passed out. But i do care for her i really do ever since she became my trainer its been fun i may sometimes be a brat but i know Savanna understands i have trust issues. All the other trainers i have were a little bit crazy but Savanna is just a normal trainer just wanting to be the strongest to protect thos that she cares about. But then again i wanna be stronger too when i was a Charmander i heard a place where Charizard train its called Charicific valley its a place where Charizard go train i hope i can go to a place like that someday. An thats it will i wake up will Charmeleon will ever go to you know where stay tune see you guys later bye

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