So we finally made it to lavaridge town i said while yelling and May says hey guys can we go to the hot springs? And Max says yeah can we go plz Ash? And Ash says no we can't we here for me and Savanna's gym battle. And they both nod. So we finally made it to the gym but it looked like crap it had so much holes and it was dirty and the gym leader named flannery she says hey guys would you mind helping me clean up? And all of us nod and say sure so after we clean the gym i ask her i wanna battle you and she nods and says sure i will battle you Savanna. So the battle began and she brings out Numel and i bring out Breloom and Flannery tells Numel to use smokescreen on Breloom and i tell Breloom to use mach punch and move the smoke away. So he does and he hits Numel with the mach punch but Numel still got up and Flannery tells Numel to use Yawn and i say out loud oh crap and Ash says Savanna don't swear and i say back you swear too in your gym battles and he rolls his eyes and i do too. So the yawn hits Breloom and he falls asleep and lets just say Flannery says Numel use overheat and i yell out to Breloom wake UP so Breloom opens his eyes and he jumps over the overheat before i said anything it started to use solar beam and i say to breloom you learned solar beam awesome. So then the Solar beam hits and Numel goes down meanwhile near the door of the gym. I think i finally found a trainer for Treecko poor thing had a crappy past she saw her parents die right in front of her by Pokemon hunters thats why she always hated humans but maybe that trainer can make her not remember her past the old lady said as she starts watching my gym battle. Back to the battle so Flannery gets out her next Pokemon which is slugma and she tells it to use overheat and boom it hits Breloom and Breloom goes down so bring out my next Pokemon is Eletrike and i tell it to use discharge and boom it hits slugma and it goes down and Flannery gets out her last Pokemon which is Torkoal and it one shots Eletrike with a overheat and i get out my last Pokemon aron and it gets hit by a overheat and i say to Aron get up get up and Aron's eyes shot open and he starts to glow and he was bigger and all that stuff and Max says thats a Lairon and i say to it cool you evolve and he nods and i say to him use rock tomb and boom it hits the Torkoal and Torkoal is still standing and he shots a flamethrower until i say Lairon USE HYPER BEAM boom the hyper beam hits and i won the battle and Flannery gives me the gym badge and all that stuff and Ash then battles her and wins as well. An i hope you like that Chapter will i get treecko? Will treecko ever heal her wounds who knows see you guys later byeee!
My Pokemon journey in the hoenn
Avventuramy name is Savanna and sorry if this is crap this is my first fanfic and also this might have a little advanced shipping and here as well and it might have a little bit of bad words in here not the f word nor the s word so you are good the only bad...