Misty returns

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So we were walking and i heard Ash was talking about someone named Misty or something like that anyways tho. I heard Ash yell hey Misty and i see her ran over to us. And lets just say my trust issues start to come back and i felt numb and i hid behind a tree and Misty says hey Ash Brock and Riche how are you all doing? And all of them say fine. So Misty says are you going to tell me who these people are? And Ash says oh yeah so this is May and her little brother Max and hey Brock where is Savanna? And Brock says she hid behind a tree and Ash says okay umm misty Savanna has trust issues so she might not talk to you but she will soon. And Misty nods and says thats fine i totally understand so then i come out of the tree. And Ash says okay this is Savanna and Savanna this is Misty. So me and Misty shake hands. So we were camping out and i was sitting with Treecko and Charmeleon and we were enjoying looking at the sun until Brock calls us over for dinner and i grabbed my plate and ate by myself and the rest of my Pokemon do the same thing and a couple of minutes later i was done eating and i put my plate away and walked off to train and i got out all my Pokemon and after a couple of minutes of training Misty comes over and says hey Savanna and i say hey back. And she says can i ask you something? And i say sure. And she says does Ash like someone? And i say yeah he does he likes May sorry if i crossed any limits and she says its fine. So I see Ash walking towards us and says hey Savanna and i say whats up? And he says do you mind if my Treecko teaches your Treecko a couple of things? And i say i don't mind at all do you still have thos watermelons? And he nods and says i still have some what you want me to teach your Treecko how to use bullet seed? and i nod until i feel a metal claw grab me and there was these things on my hands and they started to hurt and Ash says team magma! And then i see Riche and the other coming over and Brock says look and they see the round things on my arms and wrists and then they started to shock me and i scream out in pain Brock says Riche your the only one who has a flying Pokemon besides Ash but Taillow is too small.

So riche says okay I will get zippo out So i see riche's Charizard come out and i scream out in pain even more and team magma say time to get Type Null so i see a giant metal claw headed towards Type Null's Pokeball and then i hear Riche say oh no you don't so Riche tells Zippo to use slash attack and boom it slashes through the metal claw and Team magma says fine we will hurt your friend even more. So the shock was hurting even more than before and i scream out in pain and then i start to cry while gritting my teeth and Riche just stood there and Brock says RICHE GET YOUR DAMN HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS. And Riche wasn't listening he froze and Misty says whats wrong with him? And Ash says Riche told me something he said he wanted to protect Savanna with all of his heart no matter what. When he found out about Type Null and team Magma trying to take Type Null away from her he was mad.

He wanted to do anything to just get Team magma away from her. But seeing her in so much pain caused him to just freeze. So then Riche tells Zippo to fly up in front of the robot and then he jumped through the window and he tells Sparky to use thunderbolt until the team magma grunt said do you wanna hurt your friend as well?

So then he looks at me and The grunt says or we will just hurt her even more so they turn it up to the max and i screamed out in even more pain and then Riche pushes the lever and the pain stopped and the metal claw let me go.and he got on zippo and He says Zippo get her so he does. And he puts me on the ground. And i was panting and i say to Riche thanks i never had anyone save me before from Team magma and Riche nods and gives me a thumbs up and he gives me a hand and says here let me help you up so i grab his hand and i got up. And Misty says ah crap i gotta leave see you guys later byeee! And we see her leave and i am pretty sure i heard May say Good she is gone because Ash is mine and i sweat drop. An i hope you like that sorry for the spelling mistakes here and there but anyways tho see you guys later byeee!

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