The hoenn league part 3

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So the smoke clears up and Sceptile was knocked out. So Tyson returns him and gets out hariyama and I return Charizard and get out Silvally and say Silvally use air slash and boom it hits hariyama and Tyson says Hariyama use force palm and I say Silvally use air slash and it stops Hariyama from using force palm. An I am going to skip this battle towards the end sorry guys I am really lazy XD. A couple of hours later me and Tyson were down to our last Pokemon which were Charizard and Meowth and I say Charizard ready? And she roars. So I say Charizard use seismic toss and Charizard picks up Meowth and throws him but Meowth was still standing and Tyson says Meowth use iron tail and I say Charizard dragon claw and both moves were clashing until Charizard's dragon claw overpowered meowth's iron tail and boom Meowth was flown towards the ground but still got up and I say Charizard use flamethrower and Tyson says Meowth use thunder blot and both moves hit each other and there was smoke and it cleared up and Meowth was standing up in front of Tyson and Charizard was in front of me and both Pokemon glared at each other and we both said dragon claw and both moves were clashing until our Pokemon were hand and hand combat and the were hand wrestling and they both glared and we both said dragon claw and the dragon claw both digged into both Pokemon's skin and both of them screamed out in pain and I say Charizard seismic toss and Tyson says Meowth bite and Meowth bites into Charizard's skin and Charizard roars out in pain and I hear everyone say YOU CAN DO IT CHARIZARD!!!! And Charizard roars and both Pokemon fall towards the ground and there were smoke and it cleared and Meowth was on the ground and the ref says MEOWTH IS UNABLE TO BATTLE SO THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH IS CHARIZARD AND THAT MEANS SAVANNA IS THE WINNER! So I look at Charizard and smile we were going to the semi finals and I ran up to Charizard and hugged her and she hugs me back. So we all went to the Pokecenter to heal our Pokemon and Tyson comes up to me and says Savanna you did an awesome job and he offers me a hand and I shake it. So we saw who Ash and I had to battle next and I had to face Ash and Ash looks at me and I look back and he says no hard feelings right? And I nod and shake his hand. So the battle began and I get out Pikachu and Ash gets out his own Pikachu and I say Pikachu use attract and Pikachu was winking at Ash's Pikachu and there was hearts in Pikachu's eyes and he was walking all funny and I say Pikachu use dig and Ash says Pikachu come on snap out of it and boom my Pikachu hit Ash's with a dig and Ash's Pikachu snapped out of the attract and Ash says Pikachu iron tail and I say Pikachu quick attack and boom both iron tail and quick attack clash and Pikachu's iron tail overpowered my Pikachu's quick attack and boom my Pikachu was flown back but it was still standing and I say Pikachu use dig and it digs underground and Ash says Pikachu use quick attack so Savanna's Pikachu can't find you so Pikachu comes up and Ash says hit Savanna's Pikachu with a quick attack and boom Ash's Pikachu hits my Pikachu with a quick attack and my Pikachu hits the ground but it was sitll standing and I say Pikachu use quick attack and boom it hits and Ash's Pikachu hits the ground and both Pokemon were panting heavily and me and Ash both said USE VOLT TACKLE NOOWWW!! And both moves hit eachother and Ash says there even and boom both Pokemon were pushed back and both Pokemon got up and then my Pikachu goes down and I return it and say good job Pikachu okay lets go Aggron and Aggron comes out and roars and Ash gulps and says Pikachu use Volt tackle and it hits and I say Aggron flash cannon and boom it hits and Pikachu goes down and Ash says u gotten stronger okay lets go Torkoal and Aggron was panting and I say Aggron use flash cannon and Ash says Torkoal use overheat and both moves hit and both Pokemon go down and I return Aggron and I get out Grovyle and Ash gets out his and we both say Grovyle quick attack and both Pokemon hit each other but they were sitll standing. Meanwhile in the stands Morrison says this is going to be a tough battle. And Ritchie says yeah both Savanna and Ash are really good trainers but Ash is a little stronger but I know Savanna and her Pokemon have been through a lot and Morrison nods back to the battle Ash says Grovyle use leaf blade and I say Grovyle x scissor and boom the X scissor hits and also Ash's Grovyle hits my Grovyle with a leaf blade and both Pokemon were panting and I say Grovyle quick attack and Ash says Grovyle keep using Quick attack and I say Grovyle you too and both Pokemon kept spamming quick attack and me and Ash both said use leaf blade and both Grovyle hit each other with there leaf blades and both of them fell and I return Grovyle and I get out Silvally and Ash gets out Swellow and I say Silvally use sword dance and Ash says Swellow use quick attack and I say Silvally use crush claw and boom the Crush claw hits Swellow.

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