idk what to call this XD

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So Ash and May were fighting for the billion time anyways tho i tell Charmleon to use flamethrower on them or something and she does and they are all burnt up and crap. Anyways tho the last couple of weeks Ash has been sort of rude to me for no reason riche tells him to stop but still is it that i am slowing him down no that can't be it. Is that i an a weak trainer maybe thats it or maybe he doesn't want me here. But anyways tho i was sitting in my tent while everyone else was eating and guess who comes in Ash and i say to him you here to be rude and Ash says no i just wanna say sorry and i say really look sorry doesn't mean crap to me i said while getting out of the tent and going over to a tree and sitting on it. Meanwhile in the tent i was sitting in until Ash came in. Gosh i wished she would just hear me out and riche says its because you have been mean to her and Ash says ah where the hell did you come from?  And riche says while you spacing out i came in and you gotta stop being rude to Savanna because she is a nice person and a good trainer look she maybe not perfect but who cares don't judge a book by its cover. And Ash says she doesn't wanna hear me out she says sorry doesn't mean anything to her anymore. And riche says i will go talk to her and riche goes out of the tent. So i was sitting near thee tree looking at a lake with Charmeleon and I see Riche come over and he sits right next to me and asks why don't you wanna hear Ash out? And i say its because i got backstabbed twice but no one understands that sorry doesn't mean anything to me anymore i said while crying. And riche nods and says its okay i understand if you don't wanna talk about it. And I nod and say thanks for listening and Riche nods and says sure no problem if you wanna talk just let me know and I nod. And felt numb again but didn't faint. Which is good. So then Ash comes up to me and says wanna talk i need to tell you something and i nod and for some reason i heard riche growling. And Ash says look i didn't mean it i am sorry i know it doesn't mean anything but i mean it and i won't be mean to you anymore and I nod and i hug him and say thanks and we went back to the camp site. An cheesy ending i know but what ever

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