Ash's gym battle and its skipped until the end cuz i am lazy

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So Ash was down to his last Pokemon Grovyle and his Pikachu and Torkoal went down. And Norman's last Pokemon was Slaking so the battle began. And Norman tells Slaking to use focus punch and Ash tells Grovyle to use leaf blade and both moves kept clashing and the leaf blade hits Slaking and it gets a scar.

Meanwhile in the stands Treecko's eyes were glowing and i say to it you wanna battle like Grovyle one day? And Treecko nods so i see Charizard lying down with one eye closed and the other opened. And i say to her you only trust Ash if he is strong right? And Charizard nods and opens the other eye to see Grovyle trying its best but then gets hit by Slaking's hyper beam and Grovyle gets back up and Charizard smiles and puts one hand on her cheek and her elbow is on the ground and she looks at Ash with a your pretty strong with your Pokemon look. So then Grovyle starts to go crazy mode and Brock says that overgrow it only shows up when the pokemon is at its last peak. So then they do one last focus punch and leaf blade and Slaking goes down. So Norman tries to give Ash the badge and Max runs off with it and Charizard goes in and steals the badge and walks over to Ash and smiles and grabs a pen and paper and starts writing and Ash reads i saw your battle and your a strong trainer i trust you now. I am sorry about before i just evolved and i hope you understand:) and Ash puts the letter in his pocket and he went up to Charizard and said its okay and when did you learn to write? And Charizard points at me and Ash says you taught her how to write? And i nod and say yeah. So then Charizard gets out the badge and roars and Ash grabs the badge from Charizard's hands and does his thing. So Ash says to Charizard and me look umm i am very sorry you know not caring about you Savanna.

It made Charizard really mad and you know not trusting me so come here i want to give you guys a hug so we both hug Ash and i say its okay you know your a strong trainer thanks for letting me come on this journey its been fun right Charizard? And Charizard roars and tackles Ash on to the ground and starts licking him and we all laugh and Ash and Charizard got up and Charizard used flamethrower and burned Ash's face and we all laugh and Ash shakes it off and says your just like my Charizard. And Charizard roars and we to sleep a couple of minutes later. An sorry if that was crap but whatever see you all later byeeeee

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