chapter 54

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So all of us were eating until boom a hyper beam hits me and everyone was shocked and they got me the Poke center meanwhile in the wating room they closed the door and Charizard kept banging on it. So Ash says Charizard she will be okay calm down and Charizard glares at everyone and runs out and files off and May says i will try to find it and Ash says its not a great idea to try to calm down a Charizard. And Brock says calm down Ash i am pretty sure she can handle it she's got her Pokemon after all if Charizard tries anything. A couple of minutes later May finds Charizard sitting near a lake crying and May says i never seen a Charizard cry before and May walks over to it and says hey Charizard and Charizard looks at May and May says i totally understand your scared that Savanna is going to die and Charizard nods and starts to cry and roars at the sun begging Arceus to give me a chance so May says its okay Savanna will be fine i promise you she is a kind and strong person and Charizard looks at May with tears in her eyes May keeps talking Savanna is a wonderful trainer she helped through Pokemon training and she told me never ever judge a book by its cover. And she even taught Combuskien the move flamethrower. So you see Charizard Savanna will be fine she will fight through the pain and i know it Riche might get more protective of Savanna now but i know Savanna will be okay Riche is going through the same thing and Charizard looks at May and gets up and turns around and May says wait you want me to fly with you back to the Pokecenter? And Charizard nods so May gets on her back and starts to fly. Meanwhile in the Pokecenter Riche kept saying to himself why i couldn't protect her i am so weak he thought to himself as he punched the table and Ash and Brock were worried about Riche and me. So May comes back and Charizard sees Riche and walks over to him and lays down besides him and Riche looks over and sees Charizard and Charizard gave a look that says she is going to be fine Savanna is a strong person. And Riche nods and gets up and looks at the room i was in i attached to all sorts of stuff.

And Ash says nurse joy says Savanna has a low chance and we might as well say our goodbyes so everyone else was shocked Charizard was shocked and started to growl and roar loudly as she can and then Charizard broke down she couldn't take it no one understood only May did her trainer was going to die no she can't let that happen and Riche was shocked to his core he felt guilt rising up and Riche says i can't believe it was the hyper beam that strong and Brock says yeah so they all walked in to my room and Riche just sat on the chair beside me and says you were a great trainer Charizard is having a breakdown and i know that your strong person your the chosen one for Arceus for Christ sakes so plz come back to us i need you we all do so plz come back so then Charizard comes in. And lies down beside me and Riche says i hope you can hear the rest of us cuz a lot of us have a lot of things to say so Riche gets up and we see nurse joy walking in and she says Savanna is in a coma so Ash asks for how long? And Nurse joy says i don't know but i do know that you can try talking with her she will hear you and maybe she will wake up so nurse joy leaves the room.

Charizard's pov MY TRAINER IS IN A F ING COMA! I can't believe it no i just can't Riche is holding Savanna's hand while talking but why do i see her gripping it a little is the pain hurting her? Probably is but as long my trainer wakes up soon. A couple of days later Riche's pov so all of us were in the room Savanna was sitting in i didn't leave because she needs someone to be there when she wakes up but i miss her why do i feel a hammer banging against my heart i don't get it maybe that's cuz she is in a coma or she is in pain because i can feel her gripping my hand a couple of months later so Savanna still hasn't waken up yet and Nurse joy wanted us to pull the plug but none of us weren't going to give up on Savanna thats just dumb that Nurse joy would say that. Brock's pov so last week i saw Savanna gripping Riche's hand or wasn't just me but Savanna still hasn't waken up yet a couple of hours later no one pov so all of them were waiting Ash is even waiting everyone thought Ash was going to leave to get his next gym badge but he didn't which is a rarity so Brock says Ash i thought you were going to leave and Ash says no i can't if Savanna is in this state helll nooo and Brock says what did i say about swearing in front of Max. And Ash rolls his eyes and says u are just like May. So then everyone heard groaning from me so then Riche says guys i heard groaning so then i open my eyes and i look over and i see Riche and i say Riche what happened and Riche says save your strength i will tell you later and everyone smiles and Charizard heard my voice and gets up and roars and starts to lick my face and i say Charizard stop and she does and we see Nurse joy come in and she says your awake and i nod and said weakly my back can i get a more better bed plz. And nurse joy says sorry we didn't have any good beds. So she leaves and Ash sees me awake and says omg Savanna your awake i can't believe it and i nod and say yeah and kept talking i heard everyone when i was in the coma i heard all of you but i wished i could talk back laugh and all that fun stuff but i couldn't. A couple of days later i was discharged from the Pokecenter and we were eating and Riche says Brock i thought you were going to flirt with nurse joy and Brock went to sulk in a corner and then he started to flirt with me and i sweat dropped and lets just say Riche wasn't having Brock flirt with me for no reason.

So he grabs Brock by the ear and started talking with him to leave me alone and treat me as friend so Ash comes to me and whispers i think Riche has a crush on you. And i blush because i don't really like talking about that stuff and second of all what how could anyone have a crush on me like i am mean and rude. And Riche comes over and says well that was easy and all of us sweat dropped and i say thanks and he gave me a thumbs up and says your welcome. So all of us were walking and we see drew and he says i see Savanna your Charmeleon evolved into Charizard and Charizard shot flames out of her mouth and Drew started to walk up to me and gives me a rose and says this is for both of you. Until bam a huge drill came out of f nowhere and there was team magma grunts inside of it and they said give up the red orb and i say never so i get on Charizard's back and dodge everything until bam no of the drills hit Charizard and we both hit the ground and i passed out and everyone ran over except Riche who threw Zippo out and he roars and looks at my Charizard about to get drilled to death and gets angry and Riche says Zippo use flamethrower and the flamethrower pushes the drill back a little and my Charizard got up and saw me passed out and Charizard eyes started to glow white and and its tail flame started to grow and Riche says is thats what i think that is. And Charizard had this huge ball of flame coming out of its mouth and i wake up and i look at Riche and say whats Charizard doing? And Riche says thats dragon rage so the flame hit the drill and boom the Team magma grunts flew away and i get up and i say Charizard you saved me and Charizard nods and the egg Brock was holding started to glow and Brock gave it to me and Riche says thats the egg i gave you right? And i nod so the egg hatched into a Pichu and Sparky gets off Riche's shoulder and looks at his kid and Riche says hey Pichu my name is Riche and this is my friend Savanna she is going to be your new trainer and Pichu gets on my shoulder and got down to talk with Sparky and Ash's Pikachu and Drew says that Pichu looks powerful more powerful than May and her beautifly and May gets pissed and i roll my eyes and looked at Ash telling him to make them stop fighting plz and Ash nods and holds May back.

A couple of days after Pichu hatched so all of us were eating and they only people who Pichu liked were me and Riche and Ash and Max says maybe thanks to Ash's Pikachu and Sparky Pichu got to hear stories about you too and look at Charizard so Charizard and me and Riche and Ash were sleeping with Pichu Charizard must of told Pichu about how good a trainer Savanna is but Pichu is scared of every Pokemon May has and Brock's too. So Charizard wakes up first and then Pichu and Brock says look how cute that is Ash Riche and Savanna and Charizard and Pichu are sleeping together thats really cute don't you guys think that. And May nods and says yeah i think Savanna Riche and Ash are the closest people in this group and Brock nods so then i start moving around and Riche wakes up and sees me and says wait i was sleeping with her and Brock says the way you said that sounds so messed up and Riche says noo noo i don't mean it like that i meant that all of us were sleeping together and Brock nods. An thats it Pichu finally hatches and Charizard learned a new move dragon rage i know you might think my Charizard is like Ash's Charizard but a little more meaner and a little nicer but i really like Ash's Charizard so i wanted my Charizard to be a prick when it needs to be

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